Implement the CommunityGarden.start/1 function, it should receive a optional keyword list of options to pass forward to the agent process. The garden's initial state should be initialized to represent an empty collection of plots. It should return an :ok tuple with the garden's pid.
Implement the CommunityGarden.list_registrations/1 function. It should receive the pid for the community garden. It should return a list of the stored plots that are registered.
At this point, we haven't added the ability to register a plot, so this list should be empty
Implement the CommunityGarden.register/2 function. It should receive the pid for the community garden and a name to register the plot. It should return the Plot struct with the plot's id and person registered to when it is successful.
The ids should be incremental and unique. You can keep an id counter in the agent's state.
Implement the CommunityGarden.release/2 function. It should receive the pid and id of the plot to be released. It should return :ok on success. When a plot is released, the id is not re-used, it is used as a unique identifier only.
Implement the CommunityGarden.get_registration/2 function. It should receive the pid and id of the plot to be checked. It should return the plot if it is registered, and :not_found if it is unregistered.
# Use the Plot struct as it is provided
defmodule Plot do
@enforce_keys [:plot_id, :registered_to]
defstruct [:plot_id, :registered_to]
defmodule CommunityGarden do
def start(opts \\ []), do: Agent.start(fn -> [] end, opts)
def list_registrations(pid),
Agent.get(pid, fn state ->
state |> Enum.filter(fn item -> !!item.plot_id end)
def register(pid, register_to) do
Agent.update(pid, fn state ->
[%Plot{plot_id: (state |> length) + 1, registered_to: register_to} | state]
Agent.get(pid, fn [head | _] -> head end)
def release(pid, plot_id) do
Agent.update(pid, fn state ->
|> item ->
if item.plot_id === plot_id,
do: %Plot{plot_id: nil, registered_to: item.registered_to},
else: item
def get_registration(pid, plot_id) do
Agent.get(pid, fn state ->
state |> Enum.find({:not_found, "plot is unregistered"}, fn item -> item.plot_id === plot_id end)