When we throw 2 classical dice (values on each side from 1 to 6) we have 36 (6 * 6) >different results.
We want to know the probability of having the sum of the results equals to 11. For that >result we have only the combination of 6 and 5. So we will have two events: {5, 6} and >{6, 5}
So the probability for that result will be:
P(11, 2) = 2/(6*6) = 1/18 (The two is because we have 2 dice)
Now, we want to calculate the probability of having the sum equals to 8. The >combinations for that result will be the following: {4,4}, {3,5}, {5,3}, {2,6}, {6,2} >with a total of five combinations.P(8, 2) = 5/36
Things may be more complicated if we have more dices and sum values higher.
We want to know the probability of having the sum equals to 8 but having 3 dice.
Now the combinations and corresponding events are:
{2,3,3}, {3,2,3}, {3,3,2}
{2,2,4}, {2,4,2}, {4,2,2}
{1,3,4}, {1,4,3}, {3,1,4}, {4,1,3}, {3,4,1}, {4,3,1}
{1,2,5}, {1,5,2}, {2,1,5}, {5,1,2}, {2,5,1}, {5,2,1}
{1,1,6}, {1,6,1}, {6,1,1}A total amount of 21 different combinations
So the probability is:
P(8, 3) = 21/(666) = 0.09722222222222222
Summarizing the cases we have seen with a function that receives the two argumentsrolldice_sum_prob(11, 2) == 0.0555555555 # or 1/18
rolldice_sum_prob(8, 2) == 0.13888888889# or 5/36
rolldice_sum_prob(8, 3) == 0.0972222222222 # or 7/72And think why we have this result:
rolldice_sum_prob(22, 3) == 0Create the function rolldice_sum_prob() for this calculation.
lst1 = ["a","b"]
lst2 = [1,2]
for i in itertools.product(lst1,lst2):
#('a', 1)
#('a', 2)
#('b', 1)
#('b', 2)
product()可放入多個列表,找出所有列表內各index位置上的元素重新組合過的所有結果,數學上把這樣的結果稱為Cartesian Product。
exsample = list(itertools.product(["a","b"],["a","c"]))
print(exsample) #輸出:[('a', 'a'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'a'), ('b', 'c')]
若函式代入列表lst並將repeat參數代入某正整數n,則函式會返還n個lst的Cartesian Product結果,例:
lst = ["a","b"]
way1 = list(itertools.product(lst,lst))
way2 = list(itertools.product(lst,repeat = 2))
print(way1 == way2) #輸出:True
import itertools
def rolldice_sum_prob(sum_point, dice_amount):
all_combination = list(itertools.product(range(1,7), repeat = dice_amount))
count = 0
for reslut in all_combination:
if sum(reslut) == sum_point:
count += 1
return count/len(all_combination)