Given an array of numbers, calculate the largest sum of all possible blocks of >consecutive elements within the array. The numbers will be a mix of positive and >negative values. If all numbers of the sequence are nonnegative, the answer will be the >sum of the entire array. If all numbers in the array are negative, your algorithm >should return zero. Similarly, an empty array should result in a zero return from your >algorithm.
largestSum([-1,-2,-3]) == 0
largestSum([]) == 0
largestSum([1,2,3]) == 6
Easy, right? This becomes a lot more interesting with a mix of positive and negative >numbers:largestSum([31,-41,59,26,-53,58,97,-93,-23,84]) == 187
The largest sum comes from elements in positions 3 through 7: 59+26+(-53)+58+97 == 187Once your algorithm works with these, the test-cases will try your submission with >increasingly larger random problem sizes.
def largest_sum(arr):
if arr == []:return 0
sum_now = 0
max_sum_reslut = 0
for num in arr:
#若num的值 < sum_now+num,則讓sum_now加上num的值以繼續累加連續和
#若num的值 > sum_now+num,代表num本身大於先前連續組合之和,故讓其取代原先的sum_now成為新 的連續組合開頭並重新累計值
sum_now = max(num, sum_now + num)
max_sum_reslut = max(max_sum_reslut,sum_now)
return max_sum_reslut if max_sum_reslut>0 else 0