昨天是把一個 Linkedin List拆開成兩個後再合併起來,今天是直接將兩個不同的Linkedin List合併,且裡面的節點要依大小排序.
You are given the heads of two sorted linked lists list1 and list2.
Merge the two lists in a one sorted list. The list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists.
Return the head of the merged linked list.
Example 1:
Input: list1 = [1,2,4], list2 = [1,3,4]
Output: [1,1,2,3,4,4]
Example 2:
Input: list1 = [], list2 = []
Output: []
Example 3:
Input: list1 = [], list2 = [0]
Output: [0]
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
# self.val = val
# self.next = next
class Solution:
def mergeTwoLists(self, list1: Optional[ListNode], list2: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
if not list1: return list2
if not list2: return list1
if list1.val < list2.val:
list1.next = self.mergeTwoLists(list1.next, list2)
return list1
list2.next = self.mergeTwoLists(list1, list2.next)
return list2
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
* Val int
* Next *ListNode
* }
func mergeTwoLists(list1 *ListNode, list2 *ListNode) *ListNode {
if list1 == nil {
return list2
if list2 == nil {
return list1
if list1.Val < list2.Val {
list1.Next = mergeTwoLists(list1.Next, list2)
return list1
list2.Next = mergeTwoLists(list1, list2.Next)
return list2