from collections import Counter
class Solution:
def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
charFrequencyHash = collections.Counter(t)
requiredSubStrCnt = len(t)
startIdxOfSubStr, endIdxOfSubStr = 0, 0
lftWindowIdx = 0
for rhtWindowIdx in range(len(s)):
# After Init Counter, the count of the required char in substr is > 0
char = s[rhtWindowIdx]
if charFrequencyHash[char] > 0:
requiredSubStrCnt -= 1
charFrequencyHash[char] -= 1
# print('rhtWindowIdx = ', rhtWindowIdx, charFrequencyHash)
# Substr is found
if requiredSubStrCnt == 0:
# print("SubStr is set!")
# scan to rhtWindow, and remove the non-targer char
while lftWindowIdx <= rhtWindowIdx and charFrequencyHash[s[lftWindowIdx]] < 0:
charFrequencyHash[s[lftWindowIdx]] += 1
lftWindowIdx += 1
# print('After While, ', charFrequencyHash)
# Update window
if (endIdxOfSubStr == 0) or ((rhtWindowIdx - lftWindowIdx + 1) < (endIdxOfSubStr - startIdxOfSubStr)):
startIdxOfSubStr, endIdxOfSubStr = lftWindowIdx, rhtWindowIdx + 1
# print('startIdxOfSubStr, endIdxOfSubStr = ', startIdxOfSubStr, endIdxOfSubStr)
# Found the first target char (Freq == 0), remove it and try to find it in future
charFrequencyHash[s[lftWindowIdx]] += 1
requiredSubStrCnt += 1
lftWindowIdx += 1 # Remove head of founded substr
return s[startIdxOfSubStr: endIdxOfSubStr]
Time Complexity: O(N^2)
Space Complexity: O(N)