# Convert to a "largest rectangle in histogram" problem
Time Complexity: O()
Space Complexity: O()
class Solution:
def maximalRectangle(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:
lenRow = len(matrix)
lenCol = len(matrix[0])
hght = [0] * lenCol # record the current number of countinous '1' in column i;
left = [0] * lenCol # record the left most index j which satisfies that for any index k from j to i, height[k] >= height[i]
rght = [lenCol - 1] * lenCol # record the right most index j which satifies that for any index k from i to j, height[k] >= height[i]
maxRectArea = 0 # we need to update maxArea with value (height[i] * (right[i] - left[i] + 1)) row by row
for idxRow in range(lenRow):
# 1. update height
for idxCol in range(lenCol):
if matrix[idxRow][idxCol] == '1':
hght[idxCol] += 1 # accumulate the height
hght[idxCol] = 0
# 2. update left
currLftBound = 0
for idxCol in range(lenCol):
if matrix[idxRow][idxCol] == '1':
left[idxCol] = max(left[idxCol], currLftBound)
left[idxCol] = 0
currLftBound = idxCol + 1
# 3. update right
currRhtBound = lenCol - 1
for idxCol in range(lenCol - 1, -1, -1):
if matrix[idxRow][idxCol] == '1':
rght[idxCol] = min(rght[idxCol], currRhtBound)
rght[idxCol] = lenCol - 1
currRhtBound = idxCol - 1
# 4. update max rectangle area
for idxCol in range(lenCol):
currRectArea = (rght[idxCol] - left[idxCol] + 1) * hght[idxCol]
maxRectArea = max(maxRectArea, currRectArea)
# Debug Code
# print("hght", hght)
# print("left", left)
# print("rght", rght)
# print(maxRectArea)
return maxRectArea
Time Complexity: O(M*N) // Iterate through M row * N col
Space Complexity: O(N) // Memo cumulate index of row[i], i from 0 to len(col size N)