In English, we have a concept called root, which can be followed by some other word to form another longer word - let's call this word derivative. For example, when the root "help" is followed by the word "ful", we can form a derivative "helpful".
Given a dictionary consisting of many roots and a sentence consisting of words separated by spaces, replace all the derivatives in the sentence with the root forming it. If a derivative can be replaced by more than one root, replace it with the root that has the shortest length.
Return the sentence after the replacement.
class Trie {
Trie* children[26];
bool isEnd;
Trie() {
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
children[i] = nullptr;
isEnd = false;
class Solution {
Trie* root;
Solution() {
root = new Trie();
void insert(string word) {
Trie* node = root;
for (char c : word) {
int i = c - 'a';
if (node->children[i] == nullptr) {
node->children[i] = new Trie();
node = node->children[i];
node->isEnd = true;
string search(string word) {
Trie* node = root;
string result;
for (char c : word) {
int i = c - 'a';
if (node->children[i] == nullptr) {
return word;
result += c;
if (node->children[i]->isEnd) {
return result;
node = node->children[i];
return word;
string replaceWords(vector<string>& dictionary, string sentence) {
for (string word : dictionary) {
stringstream ss(sentence);
string word, result;
while (ss >> word) {
if (!result.empty()) {
result += " ";
result += search(word);
return result;