今天目標會是先規劃, EventModule 的部份。
這邊所講的 Event 是指舉辦的活動。以下統一用『活動』這個詞彙來說明。EventModule 的部份主要是針對活動相關的處理。主要項目有以下:
nest g mo events
nest g s events
nest g controller events
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { EventsService } from './events.service';
import { CreateEventDto, GetEventsDto, PageInfoRequestDto } from './dto/event.dto';
import { isUUID } from 'class-validator';
import { EventStore } from './event.store';
import { NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common';
describe('EventsService', () => {
let service: EventsService;
let eventId: string;
beforeAll(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [EventsService, EventStore],
service = module.get<EventsService>(EventsService);
it('should be defined', () => {
given a valid create event dto
"name": '江蕙演唱會',
"location": '台北大巨蛋',
"startDate": new Date(),
"numberOfDays": 1,
"id": uuid format string
it('should return created uuid', async ()=> {
const createEventDto = new CreateEventDto();
createEventDto.name = '江蕙演唱會';
createEventDto.location = '台北大巨蛋';
const startDate = new Date(Date.now() + 86400);
createEventDto.startDate = startDate;
const result = await service.createEvent(createEventDto);
eventId = result.id;
it('should return result event with given event id', async () => {
const eventInfo = {
id: eventId
const expectName = '江蕙演唱會';
const expectLocation = '台北大巨蛋';
const result = await service.getEvent(eventInfo);
expect(result).toHaveProperty('name', expectName);
expect(result).toHaveProperty('location', expectLocation);
given a valid create event dto
"location": '台北大巨蛋'
"startDate": new Date()
it('shoud return result event with given location', async () => {
// inserted
const createEventDto = new CreateEventDto();
createEventDto.name = '周蕙演唱會';
createEventDto.location = '台北大巨蛋';
const startDate = new Date(Date.now() + 86400);
createEventDto.startDate = startDate;
await service.createEvent(createEventDto);
const criteria = new GetEventsDto();
criteria.location = '台北大巨蛋';
criteria.startDate = new Date();
const pageInfo = new PageInfoRequestDto();
const result = await service.getEvents(criteria, pageInfo);
given a update a event dto and event id
location: '台北小巨蛋',
startDate: new Date()
it('should return updated event', async () => {
const updateData = {
location: '台北小巨蛋',
startDate: new Date()
await service.updateEvent(eventId, updateData);
const result = await service.getEvent({id: eventId});
given a existed event id
it('should return deleted event id', async () => {
const result = await service.deleteEvent(eventId);
await expect(service.getEvent({id: result})).rejects.toThrow(NotFoundException)
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { EventsController } from './events.controller';
import { EventsService } from './events.service';
import { CreateEventDto, GetEventsDto, PageInfoRequestDto, UpdateEventDto } from './dto/event.dto';
describe('EventsController', () => {
const mockEventsService = {
createEvent: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
getEvent: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
getEvents: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
updateEvent: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
deleteEvent: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({})
let controller: EventsController;
let service: EventsService;
afterEach(() => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
controllers: [EventsController],
providers: [{
provide: EventsService,
useValue: mockEventsService,
controller = module.get<EventsController>(EventsController);
service = module.get<EventsService>(EventsService);
it('should be defined', () => {
given given a valid create event dto
"name": '江蕙演唱會',
"location": '台北大巨蛋',
"startDate": new Date(),
"numberOfDays": 1,
it('service.createEvent should be called once with given create event dto', async () => {
const createEventDto = new CreateEventDto();
createEventDto.name = '江蕙演唱會';
createEventDto.location = '台北大巨蛋';
const startDate = new Date(Date.now() + 86400);
createEventDto.startDate = startDate;
await controller.createEvent(createEventDto);
given a existed event id in uuid format
it('service.getEvent should be called once', async() => {
const eventId = crypto.randomUUID();
await controller.getEvent(eventId);
expect(service.getEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: eventId});
given a existed event dto
it('service.getEvents should be called once', async () => {
const criteria = new GetEventsDto();
const pageInfo = new PageInfoRequestDto();
criteria.location = '台北大巨蛋';
criteria.startDate = new Date();
await controller.getEvents(criteria, pageInfo);
expect(service.getEvents).toHaveBeenCalledWith(criteria, pageInfo);
given a existed event id
update with specific location
it('service.updateEvent should be called once', async () => {
const eventId = crypto.randomUUID();
const updateEventData = new UpdateEventDto();
updateEventData.location = '台北小巨蛋';
updateEventData.startDate = new Date(Date.now() + 86400*2);
await controller.updateEvent(eventId, updateEventData);
expect(service.updateEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(eventId, updateEventData);
given a existed event id
it('service.deleteEvent should be called once', async () => {
const eventId = crypto.randomUUID();
await controller.deleteEvent(eventId);
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { INestApplication, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import * as request from 'supertest';
import { AppModule } from './../src/app.module';
import { isUUID } from 'class-validator';
import { StartedPostgreSqlContainer } from '@testcontainers/postgresql';
describe('AppController (e2e)', () => {
let app: INestApplication;
let userId: string;
let refreshToken: string;
let accessToken: string;
let postgresql: StartedPostgreSqlContainer;
let eventId: string;
beforeAll(async () => {
postgresql = global.postgresql;
const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [AppModule],
app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication();
app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({
whitelist: true,
transform: true,
await app.init();
afterAll(async () => {
await app.close();
await postgresql.stop();
it('/ (GET)', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
it('/auth/register (POST) with failed', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
email: 'yu',
password: '123'
it('/auth/register (POST)', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent
email: 'yu@hotmail.com',
password: '1@q#Abz%',
.expect(({ body }) => {
userId = body.id;
// given login with correct credential
it('/auth/login (POST)', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent
email: 'admin@hotmail.com',
password: '1@q#Abz%'
.expect(({body}) => {
refreshToken = body.refresh_token;
accessToken = body.access_token;
it('/users/:userId (GET)', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
.expect(({ body }) => {
it('/users/:userId (GET) with failed', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
// given login with wrong credential with Unauthorizatiion
it('/auth/login (POST) reject with Unauthorization', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent
email: 'yu@hotmail.com',
password: '1@q#Abz%1'
// given wrong acess token to create a event
it('/events (POST) reject with Unauthorization', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent.post('/events')
location: '台北大巨蛋',
name: '江惠演唱會',
startDate: '2024-10-01'
.set('Authorization', '1245')
// given access token to create a event
it('/events (POST) with successfully create event', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent.post('/events')
location: '台北大巨蛋',
name: '江惠演唱會',
startDate: '2024-10-01'
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
.expect(({ body }) => {
eventId = body.id;
// given exist eventid with existed event
it('/events/:id (GET) with successfully retrieve event', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent.get(`/events/${eventId}`)
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
.expect(({ body }) => {
expect(body).toHaveProperty('name', '江惠演唱會');
expect(body).toHaveProperty('location', '台北大巨蛋')
// given exist location with existed event
it('/events/ (GET) with successfully retrieve event', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent.get(`/events`)
location: '台北大巨蛋'
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
.expect(({ body }) => {
// given wrong token with get event
it('/events/ (GET) reject with Uanuthorization', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent.get(`/events`)
location: '台北大巨蛋'
.set('Authorization', '123')
// given wrong token with delete event
it('/events/:id (DELETE) reject with Uanuthorization', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent.delete(`/events/${eventId}`)
.set('Authorization', '1234')
// given exist event id with existed event
it('/events/:id (DELETE) with successfully delete event', (done) => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
.expect(({ body }) => {
.end((err, res) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
.set('Authorization', accessToken)
.end((err, res) =>{
// given refesh token with exist users
it('/auth/refresh (POST)', () => {
const agent = request(app.getHttpServer());
return agent
.set('Authorization', refreshToken)
import { CreateEventDto, EventsResponse, PageInfoRequestDto } from './dto/event.dto';
import { EventEntity } from './schema/event.entity';
export abstract class EventsRepository {
abstract save(eventInfo: CreateEventDto): Promise<EventEntity>;
abstract findOne(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>): Promise<EventEntity>;
abstract find(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>, pageInfo: PageInfoRequestDto): Promise<EventsResponse>;
abstract update(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>, data: Partial<EventEntity>): Promise<EventEntity>;
abstract delete(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>): Promise<string>;
import { NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CreateEventDto, EventsResponse, PageInfoRequestDto } from './dto/event.dto';
import { EventsRepository } from './events.repository';
import { EventEntity } from './schema/event.entity';
export class EventStore implements EventsRepository {
events: EventEntity[] = new Array<EventEntity>();
async save(eventInfo: CreateEventDto): Promise<EventEntity> {
const event = new EventEntity();
event.id = crypto.randomUUID();
event.location = eventInfo.location;
event.name = eventInfo.name;
event.startDate = eventInfo.startDate;
if (eventInfo.numberOfDays) {
event.numberOfDays = eventInfo.numberOfDays;
return event;
async findOne(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>): Promise<EventEntity> {
const foundIdx = this.events.findIndex((item) => item.id == criteria.id);
if (foundIdx == -1) {
throw new NotFoundException(`event with given id: ${criteria.id} not found`);
return this.events[foundIdx];
async find(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>, pageInfo: PageInfoRequestDto): Promise<EventsResponse> {
let filteredEvent: EventEntity[] = this.events.slice(pageInfo.offset, pageInfo.limit);
if (criteria.location) {
filteredEvent = filteredEvent.filter((item) => item.location == criteria.location);
if (criteria.startDate) {
filteredEvent = filteredEvent.filter((item) => item.startDate.getTime() >= criteria.startDate.getTime())
if (criteria.name) {
filteredEvent = filteredEvent.filter((item) => item.name == criteria.name)
return {
events: filteredEvent,
pageInfo: {
limit: pageInfo.limit,
offset: pageInfo.offset,
total: filteredEvent.length
async update(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>, data: Partial<EventEntity>): Promise<EventEntity> {
const updateIdx = this.events.findIndex((item) => item.id == criteria.id);
if (updateIdx == -1) {
throw new NotFoundException(`update target with eventid ${criteria.id} not found`);
if (data.location) {
this.events[updateIdx].location = data.location;
if (data.name) {
this.events[updateIdx].name = data.name;
if (data.startDate) {
this.events[updateIdx].startDate = data.startDate;
if (data.numberOfDays) {
this.events[updateIdx].numberOfDays = data.numberOfDays;
return this.events[updateIdx];
async delete(criteria: Partial<EventEntity>): Promise<string> {
const deleteIdx = this.events.findIndex((item) => item.id == criteria.id);
if (deleteIdx == -1) {
throw new NotFoundException(`update target with eventid ${criteria.id} not found`);
const deleteId = this.events[deleteIdx].id;
this.events.splice(deleteIdx, 1);
return deleteId;
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventsRepository } from './events.repository';
import { EventStore } from './event.store';
import { CreateEventDto, GetEventDto, GetEventsDto, PageInfoRequestDto, UpdateEventDto } from './dto/event.dto';
export class EventsService {
private readonly eventRepo: EventsRepository
) {}
async createEvent(eventInfo: CreateEventDto) {
const result = await this.eventRepo.save(eventInfo);
return {id: result.id};
async getEvent(userInfo: GetEventDto) {
return this.eventRepo.findOne(userInfo);
async getEvents(criteria: GetEventsDto, pageInfo: PageInfoRequestDto) {
return this.eventRepo.find(criteria, pageInfo);
async updateEvent(eventId: string, updateData: UpdateEventDto) {
return this.eventRepo.update({id: eventId},updateData);
async deleteEvent(eventId: string) {
return this.eventRepo.delete({ id: eventId});
import { Body, Controller, Delete, Get, Injectable, Param, ParseUUIDPipe, Patch, Post, Query, UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventsService } from './events.service';
import { CreateEventDto,GetEventsDto, PageInfoRequestDto, UpdateEventDto } from './dto/event.dto';
import { JwtAuthGuard } from '../auth/guards/jwt-auth.guard';
import { RolesGuard } from '../auth/guards/role.guard';
import { Roles } from '../auth/roles.decorator';
export class EventsController {
private readonly eventService: EventsService,
) {}
@UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
async createEvent(@Body() createEventDto: CreateEventDto) {
return this.eventService.createEvent(createEventDto);
async getEvent(@Param('id', ParseUUIDPipe) eventId: string) {
return this.eventService.getEvent({ id: eventId});
async getEvents(@Query() criteria: GetEventsDto, @Query() pageInfo:PageInfoRequestDto) {
return this.eventService.getEvents(criteria, pageInfo);
@UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
async updateEvent(@Param('id', ParseUUIDPipe) eventId: string, @Body() updateEventDto: UpdateEventDto) {
return this.eventService.updateEvent(eventId, updateEventDto);
@UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
async deleteEvent(@Param('id', ParseUUIDPipe) eventId) {
const deleteId = await this.eventService.deleteEvent(eventId);
return {
id: deleteId,
因為篇幅過長,明天在說明。使用 typeorm 引入,eventDBStore 的部份。
在開發過程中,可以發現最重要的就是確認需求,然後設計行為。 測試系統的行為,而不是測試實作。 這句話意思是,我們在寫程式時,一定要能掌握自己設計出來的系統行為。