Given the root of a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes' values.
Example 1:
Input: root = [1,null,2,3]
Output: [1,3,2]
Example 2:
Input: root = [1,2,3,4,5,null,8,null,null,6,7,9]
Output: [4,2,6,5,7,1,3,9,8]
Example 3:
Input: root = []
Output: []
Example 4:
Input: root = [1]
Output: [1]
The number of nodes in the tree is in the range [0, 100].
-100 <= Node.val <= 100
Follow up: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int* inorderTraversal(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize) {
// 建立一個結果陣列,初始大小為 100(假設最大不超過 100 個節點)
int* result = (int*)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
*returnSize = 0;
// 建立一個Stack來模擬遞歸,最大大小為 100
struct TreeNode** stack = (struct TreeNode**)malloc(100 * sizeof(struct TreeNode*));
int stackSize = 0;
// 使用 current 指向當前節點
struct TreeNode* current = root;
// 開始迭代遍歷節點,當節點大小不為零
while (current != NULL || stackSize > 0) {
// 將當前節點的所有left node push到stack
while (current != NULL) {
stack[stackSize++] = current;
current = current->left;
// 從stack中pop節點,處理該節點的值
current = stack[--stackSize];
result[(*returnSize)++] = current->val;
// 繼續處理right subtree
current = current->right;
// 釋放stack空間
return result;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Definition for a binary tree node.
struct TreeNode {
int val;
struct TreeNode *left;
struct TreeNode *right;
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int* inorderTraversal(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize) {
// 建立一個結果陣列,初始大小為 100(假設最大不超過 100 個節點)
int* result = (int*)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
*returnSize = 0;
// 建立一個Stack來模擬遞歸,最大大小為 100
struct TreeNode** stack = (struct TreeNode**)malloc(100 * sizeof(struct TreeNode*));
int stackSize = 0;
// 使用 current 指向當前節點
struct TreeNode* current = root;
// 開始迭代遍歷節點,當節點大小不為零
while (current != NULL || stackSize > 0) {
// 將當前節點的所有left node push到stack
while (current != NULL) {
stack[stackSize++] = current;
current = current->left;
// 從stack中pop節點,處理該節點的值
current = stack[--stackSize];
result[(*returnSize)++] = current->val;
// 繼續處理right subtree
current = current->right;
// 釋放stack空間
return result;
// 測試函數
struct TreeNode* createNode(int val) {
struct TreeNode* node = (struct TreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
node->val = val;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return node;
// 測試函數
void testInorderTraversal() {
// 構造測試用例 [1,null,2,3]
struct TreeNode* root = createNode(1);
root->right = createNode(2);
root->right->left = createNode(3);
int returnSize;
int* result = inorderTraversal(root, &returnSize);
// 輸出結果
printf("Inorder Traversal Result: ");
for (int i = 0; i < returnSize; i++) {
printf("%d ", result[i]);
// 釋放結果陣列
// 主函數
int main() {
return 0;