是 220MB ...
錯....Exchange 以前有 Single Instance Store (SIS) 的功能...
這個功能從 Exchange 4.0 時代開始就有了, 雖然後來歷經了多次的變革, 但到 Exchange 2007 為止, 仍然有 SIS 的功能, 只不過這版只針對 Attachment 做 SIS, 信件內容本身並沒有. 所以在 Exchange 2007 裡面, 附件只會儲存一份.
不過, SIS 到了 Exchange 2010 則被全面取消, 微軟的理由是: 現在硬碟太便宜了, 沒有必要去省這些空間....
整個 SIS 的 發展歷程, 請參考微軟 Exchange 開發小組的部落格:
Dude, Where's My Single Instance?
依據發問者ceagogo的環境是2007以及大神說2007還有SIS,所以答案是... 10MB?
Sending large attachments to many users. For example, sending a large (30 MB+) attachment to 20 users. Even if there were only 5 recipients out of the 20 on the same database, in Exchange 2003 that meant the 30MB attachment was stored once instead of 5 times on that database. In Exchange 2010, that attachment is stored 5 times (150 MB for that database) and isn't compressed. But depending on your storage architecture, the capacity to handle this should be there. Also, your email retention requirements will help here, by forcing the removal of the data after a certain period of time.