

vCenter Cluster一直顯示掃描實體錯誤的訊息

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Hi All,

照本宣科,按照書上步驟裝完ESXi和vCenter及設定專屬網路介面卡和vSAN後,cluster一直顯示掃描實體錯誤的訊息,到事件去看後,詳細是說一直掃描不到ESXi主機,過了一些時間,vCenter就掛點連不到登入畫面,到vcenter的系統畫面就變成如截圖的錯誤訊息,請問是我哪裡做錯或者沒做呢? 不安裝vSAN下,其實都是正常的。每次都是裝了vSAN後變這樣。



1 個回答

iT邦大神 1 級 ‧ 2020-04-30 09:05:52

vSAN 硬體需求, 先檢查哪一項不符合:

- Minimum of three ESXi hosts for standard datacenter deployments. Minimum of two ESXi hosts and a witness host for the smallest deployment, for example, remote office/branch office.
- Minimum of 6 GB memory per host to install ESXi.
VMware vCenter Server.
- At least one device for the capacity tier. One hard disk for hosts contributing storage to vSAN datastore in a hybrid configuration; one flash device for hosts contributing storage to vSAN datastore in an all-flash configuration.
- At least one flash device for the cache tier for hosts contributing storage to vSAN datastore, whether hybrid or all-flash.
- One boot device to install ESXi.
- At least one disk controller. Pass-through/JBOD mode capable disk controller preferred.
- Dedicated network port for vSAN–VMkernel interface. 10 GbE preferred, but 1 GbE supported for smaller hybrid configurations. With 10 GbE, the adapter does not need to be dedicated to vSAN traffic, but can be shared with other traffic types, such as management traffic, vMotion traffic, etc.
- L3 multicast is required on the vSAN network.

最常看到的問題是: 沒有用 10G 網路, 和沒有開啟 L3 Multicast

然後查硬體相容表, 你的硬體規格有沒有在 vSAN 相容表內:

接下來依此篇章節, 逐項查下去看哪邊不符合:
Chapter 2 - vSAN Prerequisites and Requirements for Deployment

如果都符合, 再查你的安裝步驟哪邊不一樣:
Chapter 3 - vSAN Installation and Configuration

如果步驟都一樣, 請參考你是套用哪一種 Policy:
Chapter 4 - VM Storage Policies on vSAN

以上至少要全部查過一次都相符, 然後告訴大家你用哪一種 Policy? 人家才知道要如何幫你找答案....

硬體不相符就不用問了, 原廠本來就不保證在不相容的硬體上執行...

it_man iT邦新手 5 級 ‧ 2020-04-30 15:16:49 檢舉


