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The Best-ever Freeware Utilities List
"A kind of Wikipedia® for Freeware"
There are a lot of great freeware products out there. Many are as good as or better than their commercial alternatives. This community-based site features our pick of the "best of the best."
Best Free Firewall
Wed, 04/16/2008 - 04:13 — kat
No other single product class seems to cause as much angst to average users, in their installation and day-to-day use, as Firewalls.
For such users, Sunbelt-Kerio Personal Firewall is my top recommendation, as it seems to cause the fewest problems yet manages reasonable protection as well.
Kerio dropped the product in late 2005 but, thankfully, Sunbelt Software, the makers of the excellent CounterSpy anti-spyware scanner, picked it up and will continue making it available. Note that the free and paid versions of Sunbelt Kerio are the same. If you don't buy the product, some advanced features are automatically turned off after 30 days. The product will also nag you every time you start it. For some, this is a small price to pay for a great free firewall. For others, it's a real turnoff.
If performance rather than ease of use is your criterion, then the Comodo firewall is the top contender. The firewall itself is very robust, and the just-released version 3 includes a well designed intrusion detection system and Vista compatibility as well. Comodo also supports internet connection sharing, whereas the free versions of Kerio and ZoneAlarm do not. On the minus side, the IDS is initially rather talkative, and this may unnecessarily alarm inexperienced users. There have also been reports that the new version 3 has some new version bugs, so it may be better to wait a couple of months until the new version has stabilized before you install it. Additionally, Comodo has been known to conflict with some other security products. However, for the technically initiated who can cope with these annoyances, this is an outstanding free product and an easy first choice. Make sure, though, that you install it in the "Advanced" mode, because the "Basic" installation has the HIPS and outbound protection disabled.
我發現評論還蠻中肯的, 如果擔心有spyware, 可以到 http://www.spywaredetector.net/spywarecategory.htm 查查看有沒有在清單內.