You may be wondering how to register in Google Study Jam...?
There are lots of events hosted by Google, online or offline. If you have attended one of those events and left your email to them, potentially they will ping you for any Google Study Jam or interesting upcoming events.
Anyway, if you are interested in this kind of self-study course, register it by filling out your details, most likely just your gmail account.
If you register successfully (by not giving the wrong gmail account XD), you will receive a subscription code via email in order to have a one-month access.
Follow the steps written in email, then Voilà~ you can start your jouney right away
The main course for ML Study Jam 2020 is Machine Learning APIs.
Before we enter the main course, it's better to complete these 2 hands-on labs first:
So let's start with the first lesson - A Tour of Qwiklabs and Google Cloud in Getting Started: Create and Manage Cloud Resources