
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 14

Women in IT field系列 第 14

Career paths

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"What do you want to get from the job?" "What do you want to achieve in your life?" Those are the questions that we asked ourselves everyday or every half year.

Working in the IT field, you don't need to be an engineer to be mentioned as working in the field. You could be a salesperson in the IT field. You could be a recruiter in the IT field. You could be a quality assurance tester in the IT field.

To be an engineer, if your goal is just to earn enough money then it is not the job you should get into. To be an engineer, you should have a mind of loving to fix and solve problems. To be a quality assurance tester, you have to love to find the problems or breaking things. To be a recruiter, you have to love to socialize with and help others. To be a salesperson, you have to love to find out what others need and socialize with them. Yet, no matter which one you choose, you have to love to learn and to share.

In the earlier time, some people told me that once you are not an engineer it is hard to get back. However, many people and I used our life to show that we are able to be great engineers from non-engineers. The only thing we need is time. Therefore, I believe that I could achieve anything and do any type of job as long as I have guides and time.

After all of the basic career paths, some people will start to work as a manager. However, is the project manager at a manager level? or work as an engineer manager at the manager level? Some of my friends even start their own companies or change careers as open coffee shops and so on.

Therefore, no matter what is your choice. Enjoy and have fun within.

How to communicate
Simple codes where in different library
Women in IT field30
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