
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 24

Women in IT field系列 第 24

Question on Experiences

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I just saw a post from LinkedIn that a young engineer asked hiring managers to don't request him to have 15 years of industry experience as he just turned 25 years old. His experience made me think about a few funny things that happened before.

On the career path, there are many times that I heard a lot of times where the JDs only mention having experience about certain years. We sent the resumes and got the chance to interview. In the interview, the HR told us that they were looking for years of experience in particular skills. Then, we wonder why they are wasting our time and theirs. Later, we found out to be not so specific due to the higher managers or HRs hoping to find more candidates not only for the one you interview but also for other projects. Or, they only want to show the minimum and continue interviewing to make the job market have fake visions that companies are still in good condition and growing in the team.

Another funny thing I heard before, some of the managers liked to act low-key, who usually asked members to do the same things. I heard a story from a friend that once her manager told her that not to speak or give out any ideas since other members thought that there were too many suggestions that made him confused. By that time, I knew the members of her company were having issues. The issue that other members raised is more like to complain that Google Search gave too many links and does not know which one to look at. Later on, the manager even asked my friend not to share her past coding or working experience. I felt strange. The reason is that she did not share her pride but how to solve problems. At the same time, another friend told us that the manager might want her to act as other junior engineers. During that time, I realized that her manager had issues leading the team. The reason is that you could not ask a junior engineer to act as a senior one since the experience is not enough. The same things that you could not ask a senior engineer to act to a junior one. The expectations from the company are different to a junior engineer with the expectation to a senior one. How can any managers ask their members to do it? In the end, we agree that her company and her manager would not grow anymore if they don't do any change. And, it is better for her to leave and seek another company to work with.

I felt sorry for my friends since later the company used many reasons to lay off her. Some people who heard the story even told us that they did not want to work with or for her ex-company and managers. I felt sad for her company, yet I think that is the price the company needs to pay as well.

To be a manager
Problem Solver or Problem Maker
Women in IT field30
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