/bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/bin/bash: -c: line 0: ` ./ngrok authtoken <your-authtoken>'
INFO: Starting restful server...
INFO: Successfully started Restful server!
INFO: Starting experiment...
INFO: Successfully started experiment!
The experiment id is 5Ohd94VC
The Web UI urls are:
You can use these commands to get more information about the experiment
commands description
1. nnictl experiment show show the information of experiments
2. nnictl trial ls list all of trial jobs
3. nnictl top monitor the status of running experiments
4. nnictl log stderr show stderr log content
5. nnictl log stdout show stdout log content
6. nnictl stop stop an experiment
7. nnictl trial kill kill a trial job by id
8. nnictl --help get help information about nnictl
Command reference document https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Tutorial/Nnictl.html
第四步,檢查the public url. 請注意,不可更改 Port no. 4040 !
! curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels # don't change the port number 4040
執行上個步驟後,你將會發現如下的字樣[ http://xxxx.ngrok.io ] 。直接連入此public url.,即可進入NNI WebUI。