
2022 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 18

In your DNA research lab, you have been working through various ways to compress your research data to save storage space.

One teammate suggests converting the DNA data to a binary representation

You ponder this, as it will potentially halve the required data storage costs, but at the expense of human readability. You decide to write a module to encode and decode your data to benchmark your savings

1. Encode nucleic acid to binary value

Implement encode_nucleotide/1 to accept the code point for the nucleic acid and return the integer value of the encoded code.

2. Decode the binary value to the nucleic acid

Implement decode_nucleotide/1 to accept the integer value of the encoded code and return the code point for the nucleic acid.

3. Encode a DNA charlist

Implement encode/1 to accept a charlist representing nucleic acids and gaps and return a bitstring of the encoded data.

4. Decode a DNA bitstring

Implement decode/1 to accept a bitstring representing nucleic acids and gaps and return the decoded data as a charlist.

defmodule DNA do
  @moduledoc """
  practice bitStrings

  @encode_map %{ ?\s => 0b0000, ?A => 0b0001, ?C => 0b0010, ?G => 0b0100, ?T => 0b1000 }
  @decode_map Enum.reduce(@encode_map, %{}, fn {dna, bitstring}, result -> Map.merge(result, %{ bitstring => dna }) end)

  @spec encode_nucleotide(integer()) :: integer()
  def encode_nucleotide(code_point), do: @encode_map[code_point]

  @spec decode_nucleotide(integer()) :: integer()
  def decode_nucleotide(encoded_code), do: @decode_map[encoded_code]

  @spec encode(charlist()) :: bitstring()
  def encode(dna), do: process_encode(dna, <<>>)

  @spec decode(bitstring()) :: charlist()
  def decode(dna), do: process_decode(dna, '')

  @spec process_encode(charlist(), bitstring()) :: bitstring()
  defp process_encode([], result), do: result
  defp process_encode([head | tail], result), do: process_encode(tail, <<result::bitstring, encode_nucleotide(head)::4>>)

  @spec process_decode(bitstring(), charlist()) :: charlist()
  defp process_decode(<<>>, result), do: result
  defp process_decode(<<head::4, rest::bitstring>>, result), do: process_decode(rest, result ++ [decode_nucleotide(head)])

十七. Keyword Lists
十九. Dates and Time
戀戀 Elixir30
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

