
2022 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 17
Software Development

Kotlin on the way系列 第 17

Day 17 Solid 能吃嗎? 李氏替換 Liskov and inheritage

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在我們開始討論李氏替換原則之前,複習一下在 kotlin 裡面的繼承吧,在 Kotlin 裡面,所有的類別預設都是 final ,意即不可被繼承,如果我們要將其作為父類別,就需要為他添加一個 open,而如果要覆寫類別中的方法,也需要添加 open

open class Fruit{
class Apple : Fruit(){

另一方面,不像 java 一個類別可以繼承多個類別,在 Kotlin 裡面一個類別只能有一個父類別,而相對的可以擁有繼承實作多個介面

class Circle: Shape(), Mearsureable, Curve {

繼承的核心規範是 is a ,子類必須滿足父類的條件,並且行為會與父類一致,在實作中,可以理解為所有為父類編寫的測試,其繼承的子類都要可以通過,另一方面,所有依賴於父類的其他元件、類別,都能夠以其子類去替換,且不會造成問題


在 Android 裡面,把李氏替換玩出花的,無非就是 View 類別了,View 類別算是所有 ui 的父類,為此他僅定義了相對抽象的方法,像是 ondraw onrecycle

Liskov and inheritage

oop is consist by interitage, polymorphism and encapuslate, and the principle of Liskov is about inheritage.

Before we talk about Liskov, recap inheritage knowledge in Kotlin, all class in Kotlin is final as default, if we want a class coulde be inheritage, we have to mark it to open

open class Fruit{
class Apple : Fruit(){

however, unlike java one class could inheritahe multiple class, in Kotlin one class could only inheritage one class or abstract class, but class in Kotlin could inheritage multiple interface

class Circle: Shape(), Mearsureable, Curve {

The core rule of inheritage is a, the child components should meet the behavior of parent components, in the praticial way, all the test for parent component, its child should passed, and all the behavior relay on parent component, could be replace with its child withour cause any problem, this princile is Liskov subsituation principle.

An example is famous for break this principle, is square and rectangle, rectangle included square, but square should become rectangle's child, since square require width and height change together, but rectangle doesn't, it will cause unexcept error when user using square with rectangle interface

Day 16 Solid 能吃嗎?開放封閉 OCP
Day 18 Solid 能吃嗎? Interface segregation principle
Kotlin on the way31
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