經過一連串~ brain storming, debug, paper studying, writing articles, positive of covid... hahaha jk lmao
However, I realised that my health is the piority! As a life where you have the energy to focus on everything else you want and dream of.
So, let's have a break for coding some simple python games.
Those games are my first side project, which also my self-study of Python before I start the AI and Big Data program. I learned it from the "小象學堂" which is a wechat account (kinda like wechat python learning robot ?!) that I have given from my brother. (p.s. My siblings were engineer before I be an AI RD/PM... but I'm the only one, who still alive in this field ... well life is hard... it's another story~ haha LOL, let come back to the article )
1A2B是一種猜數字的益智遊戲,遊戲人數為兩人,或一人與一個運算機器。此篇文章所採用的模式為1人對1台電腦對玩的小遊戲。此專案採用 Python 程式碼撰寫, 讓玩家可以即時輸入所猜的數字, 並即時輸出答對的數字與位置的結果。
此程式會隨機(import random
- 當謎底為8123,而猜謎者猜1052時,出題者必須提示0A2B。
- 當謎底為5637,而猜謎者猜4931時,出題者必須提示1A0B。
import random
ans = set({})
while len(ans) < 4:
anslist = list(map(lambda x: str(x), list(ans)))
def inerror(x):
while True:
if type(int(x)) == int and len(set(x)) == 4 and len(x) == 4:
x = input("請輸入四個不同數字 = ")
x = input("請輸入四個不同數字 = ")
return x
guess = input("猜測的密碼 = ")
correctguess = inerror(guess)
c = list(correctguess)
a = 0
b = 0
while c != anslist:
for i in range(4):
if c[i] == anslist[i]:
a += 1
if c[i] in anslist and c[i] != anslist[i]:
b += 1
a = 0
b = 0
guess = input("重新猜測的密碼 = ")
correctguess = inerror(guess)
c = list(correctguess)
print("恭喜答對,答案為 : ", anslist)
注意要輸入4個不同的數字喔! 如果不滿4個會需要再重輸一次喔~
算是蠻幸運, 很快就猜中了!