
2022 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 19
Software Development

Kotlin on the way系列 第 19

Day 19 Solid 能吃嗎 ? 依賴反轉 dependency inversion

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Dependency inversion principle








至於更細節的依賴注入,完全就是另外 30 天的題目了XD


As we mentioned before, relay on abstract, not implementation, it is not a advice, it is a rule we should follow, relay on abstract can make the system stable and flexible, any change on the abstract will influence its implement, on the contract, change in implementation usually won't affect abstract, abstract is stable, as long as the abstract is same, we don't need to worry about change of other module,

A good sample is abstract factory design pattern, in abstract factory, we use factory interface to generate another interface, with factory implement return a real class, by using those two abstract, application can call method by interface, and wouldn't even worry how to define and create the instance itself, we call this line boundary.

The other powerful tool to manage dependency is dependency injection, di with a life example is, a pizza wouldn't need to make cheese by themself, they make an order saying they need cheese, then the cheese will deliver to pizza shop and ready to use.

This is what dependency inject look like XD

Class doesn't generate class instances that have different responsibilities, instead, we define what it needs, and the provider guarantees that we will get it when we need it, but why? what is the advantage?

If we always generate class in another class, there will be too much responsibility there, and too much functionality, take an example. if you want to open pizza shop, you have to buy a field, plant malt, open cheese factory, design and decorate, make website, marketing, account, tax, delivery ...etc, that is not right, a simple pizza shop turn out to be a financial group

Remember what we discussed before?
Single responsibility, inheritage concept, class only incharge of single business logic, and other things they needed, using composition and abstract to connect them.

For more detail on dependency inject, that is another 30 days topic XD

For those that can't wait, check it out Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns 1st Edition

Day 18 Solid 能吃嗎? Interface segregation principle
Day 20 多用組合 組個提拉米蘇 composition over inheritance
Kotlin on the way31
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

