鐵人賽的最後一天,讓我們來聊聊現實吧. 先以一句話概括現況就是: rust目前入門偏窄. 下面會就筆者幾個觀察點來說明這句話的來由.
在那之前讓我先quote一下reddit上面的討論串, 有關於問CTO, 是否該轉向rust的討論.
VP of Engineering here. We began hiring engineers for Rust development in 2019 and 2020 before remote work and Rust engineers were really rare.
It's notable that no one (except myself) had prior experience with Rust before joining. Despite the infamous learning curve, 100% of our engineers picked it up, and we enjoy predicability and exceptional stability now in addition to performance.
Think of it as a "pay some now" or "pay more later" scenario. There are situations where you must do the latter, but prefer the former when you can afford it.
在這條賽道上, 可以很清楚的是這是一個稀有語言. 但多數community的人還是樂觀看待這個程式語言. (還是想偷嘴一下scala, 樂觀看待已經是n 年之前. 目前還是golang 最有黑馬之姿)
當必須考量到code size, 局部performance可能需要的.
We are building Constellation, an open-source spatio-temporal data model and logic system for 3D applications, written in Rust, with real-time networked synchronization across devices. This is the core of our long-term ambition to build an operating system for spatial computing and used in our 3D animation app, Movieoke.
binance 找了不少rust developer. 原因先放一個[PLACEHODLER]. 等待我找到業內人員聊聊.
這塊就幾乎是處女地了. rust目前整體跟ML的生態相當初期, 既沒有python那樣多的library. 也沒有c++底層和DL生態系的深植.在我透過關鍵字rust 人肉了上千個工作之後, 只有發現少量的工作樣貌.