學習完 state 構築的原則,來進一步看 state 的應用,今天要學習如何在元件間共用 state 來達到更精準的控制權責關係。我們會透過一個手風琴(Accordion)的例子來練習。
這段程式碼呈現了一個可展開的面板效果。它包括兩個主要元件:Panel 和 Accordion。每個 Panel 組件代表一個可展開的面板,具有標題和內容。Accordion 元件是主要的容器,包含了兩個 Panel 子組件,它們代表了不同主題的內容。當用戶點擊「Show」按鈕時,對應的面板會展開,顯示相應的內容。
import { useState } from "react";
function Panel({ title, children }) {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
return (
<section className="panel">
{isActive ? (
) : (
<button onClick={() => setIsActive(true)}>Show</button>
export default function Accordion() {
return (
<h2>Almaty, Kazakhstan</h2>
<Panel title="About">
With a population of about 2 million, Almaty is Kazakhstan's largest
city. From 1929 to 1997, it was its capital city.
<Panel title="Etymology">
The name comes from <span lang="kk-KZ">алма</span>, the Kazakh word for
"apple" and is often translated as "full of apples". In fact, the region
surrounding Almaty is thought to be the ancestral home of the apple, and
the wild <i lang="la">Malus sieversii</i> is considered a likely
candidate for the ancestor of the modern domestic apple.
這段程式碼透過共用的 state 和 Panel 元件,讓使用者能在二個面板操作時都能顯示對應的畫面,而二個面板皆為彼此獨立的。
我們要用到名為「lift their state up」的操作,這個操作有以下三個步驟:
斷開 Panel 元件和isActive
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
作為 props 傳遞到 Panel 元件當中。
function Panel({ title, children, isActive })
import { useState } from "react";
export default function Accordion() {
return (
<h2>Almaty, Kazakhstan</h2>
<Panel title="About" isActive={true}>
With a population of about 2 million, Almaty is Kazakhstan's largest
city. From 1929 to 1997, it was its capital city.
<Panel title="Etymology" isActive={true}>
The name comes from <span lang="kk-KZ">алма</span>, the Kazakh word for
"apple" and is often translated as "full of apples". In fact, the region
surrounding Almaty is thought to be the ancestral home of the apple, and
the wild <i lang="la">Malus sieversii</i> is considered a likely
candidate for the ancestor of the modern domestic apple.
function Panel({ title, children, isActive }) {
return (
<section className="panel">
{isActive ? (
) : (
<button onClick={() => setIsActive(true)}>Show</button>
首先在父元件 Accordion 當中追加狀態變數的設定,這次我們不用 true 和 false,而是採用 0 和 1 來處理,這邊要留意的是 0 或 1 不代表開或者關,而是代表了面板的索引編號。
const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);
的設定,第一個 ActiveIndex 為 0,第二個 ActiveIndex 則是 1。當第一個面板處於活躍(展開)狀態時,activeIndex
將是 0;當第二個面板處於活躍(展開)狀態時,activeIndex
將是 1。也就是說每個 activeIndex
import { useState } from "react";
export default function Accordion() {
const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);
return (
<h2>Almaty, Kazakhstan</h2>
isActive={activeIndex === 0}
onShow={() => setActiveIndex(0)}>
With a population of about 2 million, Almaty is Kazakhstan's largest
city. From 1929 to 1997, it was its capital city.
isActive={activeIndex === 1}
onShow={() => setActiveIndex(1)}>
The name comes from <span lang="kk-KZ">алма</span>, the Kazakh word for
"apple" and is often translated as "full of apples". In fact, the region
surrounding Almaty is thought to be the ancestral home of the apple, and
the wild <i lang="la">Malus sieversii</i> is considered a likely
candidate for the ancestor of the modern domestic apple.
function Panel({ title, children, isActive, onShow }) {
return (
<section className="panel">
{isActive ? <p>{children}</p> : <button onClick={onShow}>Show</button>}
透過 isActive
是一個布林值,它決定了面板是否處於活躍(展開)狀態。由於兩個面板共用相同的 activeIndex
狀態變數,所以當其中一個按鈕被點擊時,會改變 activeIndex
的值,進而影響 isActive
今天學習的內容主要的一個核心概念是「誰在控制」,譬如我們將狀態變數移至父元件這件事,本身就是在釐清一個權責關係。透過交付這樣子的控制權,而達到了「切換」功能的動態性 accordion。