
2024 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 17

就是工商,為什麼要使用付費版 GitLab?系列 第 17

Day 17:GitLab 歷史與功能發展 Part6 (2023~2024)

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今天是最後一篇歷史回顧,回顧的範圍是 2023 ~ 2024/09 GitLab 的歷史與功能發展。

  • 2023/01 GitLab 15.8(新功能:Block merges unless external status checks pass、SCIM support for self-managed GitLab、View estimated queuing time for runners in the Admin Area、⋯⋯)
  • 2023/02 GitLab 15.9(新功能:Users with the Guest role can view private repositories、Require multiple approvals from Code Owners、Manage license approval policies、Code Suggestions、Track important incident timestamps on the incident timeline、New License Compliance scanner、Secure your CI/CD workflows with OpenID Connect、Secret Detection scans all commits in merge requests、New SAST rules、See all commits on the Chain of Custody report⋯⋯)
  • 2023/03 GitLab 變更計價,Premium plan 從 $19 漲價為 $29。
  • 2023/03 GitLab 15.10(新功能:Apple App Store integration、Create diagrams in wikis by using the editor、Compliance frameworks report、SAML group lock、Enforce IaC Scanning with Scan Execution Policies (SEPs)⋯⋯)(GitLab is upgrading to Ruby 3.0 in GitLab 15.10)
  • 2023/04 GitLab 15.11(新功能:Code Suggestions for Ultimate & Premium Users、Google Play Store integration、Value Streams Dashboard、Define inputs for included CI/CD configuration、Kubernetes 1.26 support、Container Scanning outputs CycloneDX documents、Dependency Scanning support for pnpm⋯⋯)
  • 2023/05 GitLab 釋出 16.0 正式將 AI/ML 技術與功能引入產品中。
  • 2023/05 GitLab 16.0(新功能:GPU-enabled SaaS runners on Linux、Apple silicon GitLab SaaS runners on macOS、Comment templates、GitLab Workspaces = virtual sandbox environment for your code、Security training with SecureFlag、AI-powered workflow、Custom value streams for project-level value stream analytics、CI/CD components、Out-of-band Application Security Testing、Support role-based approval action for scan result policies、Self-managed GitLab uses two database connections⋯⋯)
  • 2023/06 GitLab 16.1(新功能:All new navigation experience、Visualize Kubernetes resources in GitLab、Authenticate with service accounts、Beautify the UI of CI/CD pipelines and jobs、Shared ruleset customizations in SAST, IaC Scanning, and Secret Detection⋯⋯)
  • 2023/07 GitLab 16.2(新功能:All new rich text editor experience、Command palette、GitLab Duo Code Suggestions improvements powered by Google AI、Track your machine learning model experiments、Import PyPI packages with CI/CD pipelines、Improved SAST vulnerability tracking、Compliance frameworks report export、Audit event streaming to Google Cloud Logging、Instance-level streaming audit events、⋯⋯)
  • 2023/08 GitLab 16.3(新功能:New velocity metrics in the Value Streams Dashboard、Connect to Workspaces with SSH、Security findings in VS Code、Azure Key Vault secrets manager support、Kubernetes 1.27 support、Dependency and License Scanning support for Java v21、Explain this vulnerability、⋯⋯)
  • 2023/09 GitLab 16.4(新功能:Customizable roles、Group/sub-group level dependency list、Granular security permissions、macOS 13 image for SaaS runners on macOS、Dependency and License Scanning support for pnpm lockfile v6.1、Pipeline-specific CycloneDX SBOM exports、Private registry support for Operational Container Scanning、⋯⋯)
  • 2023/10 GitLab 16.5(新功能:Compliance standards adherence report、Export individual wiki pages as PDF、Integrate deployment approval and approval rule changes into audit events、Export the compliance violations report、New customizable permissions、⋯⋯)(GitLab is putting in place a 100MiB per file limit on pushes to projects that are on the Free tier of SaaS)
  • 2023/11 GitLab 16.6(新功能:GitLab Duo Chat、Automatic claims of enterprise users、Runner Fleet Dashboard、macOS 14 and Xcode 15 image support、Real-time Kubernetes status updates in the GitLab UI、Include CVSS Vectors in the vulnerability report export、Group-level audit event streaming to AWS S3、⋯⋯)
  • 2023/12 GitLab 16.7(新功能:Use GitLab pages without a wildcard DNS、CI/CD Catalog、Define a network policy with egress rules、GitLab Runner supports SLSA v1.0 statement、Beta support for OpenTofu、Support for Continuous Vulnerability Scanning for Dependency Scanning、Backups supports alternate compression libraries、⋯⋯)
  • 2024/01 GitLab 16.8(新功能:Google Cloud Secret Manager support、Enforce 2FA for GitLab administrators、New organization-level DevOps view with DORA-based industry benchmarks、View all ancestor items of a task or OKR、Set CPU and memory usage per workspace、Windows 2022 support for SaaS runners on Windows、Assign a custom role with SAML SSO、Kubernetes 1.28 support、Instance-level audit event streaming to AWS S3、⋯⋯)
  • 2024/02 GitLab 推出 AI 功能的計價 Plan - Duo Pro $19
  • 2024/02 GitLab 16.9(新功能:Request changes on merge requests、Enable Jira issues at the group level、Kubernetes 1.29 support⋯⋯)
  • 2024/03 GitLab 收購了 Oxeye(一間提供 SAST 服務的公司)
  • 2024/03 GitLab 16.10(新功能:Semantic versioning in the CI/CD catalog、GitLab Duo access governance control、Wiki templates、New ClickHouse integration for high-performance DevOps Analytics、Offload CI traffic to Geo secondarie、Support domain-level redirects for GitLab Pages、Audit event for assigning a custom role、New permissions for custom roles、Smart card support for Active Directory LDAP、Webhooks support mutual TLS、⋯⋯)
  • 2024/04 GitLab 16.11(新功能:GitLab Duo Chat available in JetBrains IDEs、Security policy scopes、Understand your users better with Product Analytics、Automate the creation of Google Compute Engine Runners from GitLab、Expanded Hashicorp Vault Secrets support, including Artifactory and AWS、Connect Google Artifact Registry to your GitLab project、Explore your Product Analytics data with GitLab Duo、Dependency graph support for dependency scanning SBOMs、⋯⋯)
  • 2024/05 GitLab 17.0(新功能:AI Impact analytics in the Value Streams Dashboard、GitLab runners on Linux Arm、Deployment detail pages、GitLab Duo Chat now uses Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet、Add a group to the CI/CD job token allowlist、Support for GitLab agent for Kubernetes in FIPS mode、Advanced vulnerability tracking for Secret Detection、Dependency Scanning support for Android、Streamlined SAST analyzer coverage for more languages、Customize avatars for users、Edit a custom role and its permissions、⋯⋯)(CI/CD Catalog 正式上線)
  • 2024/06 GitLab 17.1(新功能:Model registry、See multiple GitLab Duo Code Suggestions in VS Code、Secret Push Protection、GitLab Runner Autoscaler、New Value Stream Management report generator tool、Track time on tasks、Container Scanning for Registry、⋯⋯)
  • 2024/07 GitLab 17.2(新功能:Log streaming for Kubernetes pods and containers、Vulnerability Explanation、OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant support、GitLab Duo Chat and Code Suggestions available in workspaces、GitLab Duo for the CLI、Merge commit message generation、⋯⋯)
    隨著 GitLab 推出 AI 功能的計價 Plan,Release 頁面也新增標示 Duo ProDuo Enterprise
  • 2024/08 GitLab 推出 AI 功能的計價 Plan - Duo Enterprise $39
  • 2024/08 GitLab 17.3(新功能:Troubleshoot failed jobs with root cause analysis、Health check for GitLab Duo、Easily connect to a cluster from your local terminal、Resolve a vulnerability with AI、AI Impact analytics: Code Suggestions acceptance rate and GitLab Duo seats usage、Merge train visualization、Kubernetes 1.30 support、Rust support for Dependency and License Scanning、LDAP group link support for custom roles、⋯⋯)
  • 2024/09 GitLab 17.4(新功能:Extension marketplace now available in the Web IDE、GitLab Pages parallel deployments、Summarize issue discussions with GitLab Duo Chat、Advanced SAST、CI/CD component for code intelligence、JaCoCo support for test coverage visualization available in beta、Secret Detection support for Anthropic API keys、⋯⋯)

最後一篇歷史回顧,但 2023 ~ 2024 我個人也覺得沒有太多亮點,原廠依然是走在既有的 AllOps 平台前進,然後補足更多 Enterprise 該有的功能,或是讓 Enterprise 功能可以變得更好用,像是 Custom role、Audit Event 的功能改善,有滿多這種類型的功能更新。

同時 GitLab 搭上這兩年的 AI 熱潮,隔壁 GitHub 有 Code Copilot,Jira 或其他廠商也推出 AI 功能,GitLab 彷彿也加入這場軍備競賽也被迫正式推出自己的 AI 產品線 Due。但就如前兩天文章提到的,其實 GitLab 在發展 AI / ML 並不是 2023 才開始,而是在 2021 就開始佈局了;只不過今天回顧 2023 ~ 2024,我覺得產品開發的能量多少還是有被集中去 AI 功能了,除了 AI 之外就沒有太多新鮮的亮點。

歷史回顧就整理到今天為止,再次向大家說聲抱歉,如我在 Day 14 提到的,這次整理過程中,我沒有用同一個標準在整理功能,導致整理出來的資料還是有些雜亂,恐怕只有我自己才知道為何我會從每一次的 Release note 中挑出那些功能列在文章之中,也許未來看看是否有機會,用更有結構一點的方式來整理。但我不得不說,這次回顧確實讓我又更加認識 GitLab 一些,也更明白原廠想要前往的方向,以及為什麼那些功能是「付費功能」,如果你也有閒情逸致,推薦你也可以按著時間序,讀過一遍每一個的 Release Note 的內容,會有一些意外收穫喔!

圖片來源 - 吉卜力工作室


Day 16:GitLab 的產品發展方向 - ModelOps
Day 18:Security 功能 - Pre-build scanning
就是工商,為什麼要使用付費版 GitLab?30
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{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

