
2024 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 30

Well, here we are! Not only is today the final day of the challenge, but (drumroll, please) it’s also the anniversary of when I threw myself headfirst into the deep end of the software industry and became a developer. Technically speaking, it’s tomorrow when the clock hits midnight on the 15th, but hey, details, right? Anyway, that’s not important.

It hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows this past year, though. I was genuinely floored by how ridiculously vast and complicated this field is. Every time I think I’ve cracked one thing, there’s something else waiting to knock me off my feet. Throw in some life curveballs for good measure, and there have been moments where I’ve seriously questioned whether I’m cut out for this. I’ve had to keep reminding myself of the “why” that keeps me hanging on (other than sheer stubbornness).

But despite the rough patches, I’ve been lucky enough to meet some fantastic people along the way.

Shoutout to the other three fantastics (yes, this is a Fantastic Four reference, and in this case, I’m Chris Evans) who participated in this challenge with me.

Danny, the leader of the gang, who is indeed guilty of missing the deadline to sign us up for the group competition, is the kind of guy who’s always got a solution up his sleeve and a joke to lighten the mood. He’s incredibly knowledgeable and never hesitates to share what he knows while also being a great listener. He jokingly calls himself “Superman,” and honestly, some days, it feels pretty accurate!

Steve, who’s always 100% dedicated to finding the right solution. He’s got this knack for powering through problems, even when things get tough, and his energy tends to rub off on everyone else. If there’s ever a moment when you need someone reliable, Steve’s the guy!

Hitomi, a total whiz when it comes to CSS and UI/UX. She’s got an eye for design and an awesome ability to bring creativity to every project. She’s always happy to help out and somehow manages to make everything she touches look amazing!

A moment to recognize some incredible people who have been pivotal in my journey, but unable to make it this time around:

Emma, the detail-oriented code review specialist, joined the office around the same time I did. A fantastic comrade on a mission to save the world, she even took off to New Zealand during this adventure! Her insightful questions always push me to dig deeper into my resources, making her a true inspiration on our team. Think of her as the Hermione of our crew—Emma Watson, meet your namesake!

Parker, a genuine hero who walks his own path. He’s always coming up with innovative ideas and perspectives that have taught me a great deal—not just about work, but about life itself. Sorry, Peter Parker, but this spotlight belongs to Peter Cheng!

Eva, my mentor from the early days. She’s been incredibly patient, helping me settle into the team and guiding me through all the nitty-gritty details. Honestly, she’s like our friendly neighborhood, not Spider-Man, but Eva Lin!

This journey’s been anything but smooth, but it’s been worth every bump in the road. Taking part in this challenge was a huge deal for me, even if it looked like just another step to everyone else. I never thought I’d actually break into tech, let alone be writing code and sharing articles about it!

But hey, the TypeScript challenge isn’t over, and neither is my journey as a developer. Just like these articles (which probably still need tweaking), I’m a work in progress. I’ve got so much more to learn, and I’m not where I want to be yet—not by a long shot. Better time management, better planning, following the roadmap—I’ve got some serious leveling up to do. But I’ll get there, and I’ll keep adjusting my path as I go, because this is what I signed up for: becoming a problem-solver.

I’m taking a short break, but fret not — just like Arnold promised: "I’ll be back." Actually, scratch that — I’m not planning on going anywhere.

Season 2, Episode 1 is kicking off right now — I'll be right back after a short commercial break! Adiós!





還想向一些無法共襄盛舉的人們感謝:Emma,同時間進場的夥伴 - 細節精靈,真正的啟發者;Parker,創新的前衛思想大師,教會我許多人生道理和工作上的態度;以及Eva,耐心導師,幫助我度過了早期的挑戰。


休息一下,廣告之後 Season 2 馬上回來!Peace out!

第29關:Flatten!TypeScript 軍中情人:你問我愛你有多深~陣列有幾層?
TypeScript Type Challenges 冒險篇章:30 天闖關之旅,type 簡單了?你確定?30
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

