[Day22] 從ClojureScript 到 Reagent (1) React, Reagent, and Why 在昨天建立好ClojureScript...
早安!歡迎進入前端的世界今天來介紹ClojureScript專案,並且寫一個會跳出來跟我們說Hello Ironman的網頁~ 用ClojureScript寫專...
[Day20] Clojure vs Java / ClojureScript vs Javascript 行百里而半九十,鐵人賽完成了2/3啦! 前面我們已經...
大家晚安~今天很晚才發文,不是因為我很lazy 而是雙腿剛從馬拉松完賽的狀態恢復希望對身體沒有什麼副作用(硬要跟本日主題扯在一起XD) 前兩天有提到 lazy...
[Day18] Clojure - Laziness (2) Recursive function & Fibonacci sequence 用Lazi...
[Day17] Clojure Laziness (1) Lazy evaluation 早安! 大家一定都有聽過:懶惰是工程師的美德:) 來放一張美女貓貓...
[Day16] Clojure Macro (3) as-> / cond-> / some-> 早安! 昨天公司大大分享色彩繽紛、香氣十...
[Day15] Clojure Macro (2) thread-first -> / thread-last ->> 鴨子划水中,不知不覺就...
[Day14] Clojure Macro (1) 初探 Macro 不知不覺目前已經完賽兩週了,太感人了! 今天要講的是macro 跟Excel VBA那個m...
[Day13] Clojure Flow Control (3) case / cond vs. condp / doall vs. dorun 早安!今天要聊...
[Day12] Clojure Flow Control (2) when / while / doseq 早安! 原本流程控制只想用一天的篇幅,但發現有好多內...
[Day11] Clojure Flow Control (1) if / if-not / for 週日偷懶床上打滾中~ 流程控制(Flow control)...
[Day10] Clojure Functional Programming與資料操作(3) - filter 在前天和昨天文章介紹了map和reduce之後,...
[Day08] Clojure Functional Programming與資料操作(1) - map 我們在第一週簡單地帶大家Clojurescript的基...
Sets Sets是一組不重複值的集合, 例如本期樂透號碼就很適合用Set存放,因為數字不可能重複: Javascript Clojurescript...
今天是深夜模式,走凌晨發文路線~ Maps 在Clojure裡Map類似Python的Disctionary, Ruby的Hash和Javascript的Obj...
[Day05] Clojure data structure之collection系列(2) Lists 我們今天來用小小的一加一等於二,說明Clojure的L...
這是介紹Clojure - data structure的collection系列四篇中的第一篇~ (編按:今天一早就去爬山走了17km⛰️ 所以比較晚發文 ^...
話說...Javascript可說是世界上最多工程師會用的語言!有超過65%的developers使用 所以,今天就來跟大家比較一下,clojurescript...
[Day09] Clojure Functional Programming與資料操作(2) - reduce 早安!好不想起床唷... 在第八天的文章有說到...
本篇文章以brave clojure的第3章為靈感來介紹clojure基礎語法及特色。 Everything is a list Ref: Chapter 3:...
Responsible Drinking Codewars Bar recommends you drink 1 glass of water per stan...
Growth of a Population In a small town the population is p0 = 1000 at the beginn...
Sum of a sequence our task is to make function, which returns the sum of a seque...
Recursion 101 In this Kata, you will be given two positive integers a and b and...
Triangle number check A triangle number is a number where n objects form an equi...
Find the odd int Given an array of integers, find the one that appears an odd nu...
Human Readable Time Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (second...
Dubstep For example, a song with words "I AM X" can transform into a d...