
linux shell script相關文章
共有 10 則文章

技術 mkdir Command : How to Create a Directory in Linux

Today we will learn how to create a directory in Linux operating system using mk...

技術 Linux Shutdown Command Examples (Complete Guide)

Do you know How to shutdown your Linux Operating System securely? It’s straightf...

技術 rmdir command : How to delete a directory in Linux

Today we will learn how to delete (Remove) a empty directory in Linux operating...

技術 9 wc Command Examples in Linux (Complete Guide)

Today in this guide you will learn how to use wc command in Linux. wc stands for...

技術 Gzip Command in Linux with Examples

Today you will learn how to compress files in Linux using gzip command. What is...

技術 Bzip2 Command in Linux with Examples

Today you will learn how to compress files in Linux using bzip2 command. What is...

技術 Linux常見指令-檔案操作

介紹 這篇文章主要介紹Linux常用的指令,對於檔案操作可分為以下幾點: ls: 列出當前目錄下的檔案與子目錄 cd: 改變當前目錄位置 mkdir: 創建新...

技術 35 ls Command Examples in Linux (The Complete Guide)

Do you know how to list contents (files/directories) in Linux? It’s straightforw...

鐵人賽 Software Development DAY 2

技術 0x04 Shell Script

指令基本內建, 函式庫要看機器如果沒有的話, 安裝指令為 sudo apt update sudo apt instal app_name 一些基本指令 ls...

技術 Head Command Examples in Linux (The Complete Guide)

Linux has several commands that helps to display the contents of a file. such as...