當時微軟非常"震憤", 直說要採取可能的法律行動, 如今微軟好像真的很"振奮(excited)":
Shannon Loftis, the Studio Manager of Microsoft Game Studios:
"As an experience creator, I’m very excited to see that people are so inspired that it was less than a week after the Kinect came out before they they had started creating and thinking about what they could do."
微軟很振奮!!!也見識了開源的力量, 因為, 每一天, 就有新的Kinect應用出籠, 如Kinect科技手影, 把手的影子幻化七彩的飛鳥等等, 甚至微軟還表示, Kinect是特別將Kinect上的USB協定開放的, 意思是開源的Driver並不是駭進的,
Alex Kipman, Xbox Director of Incubation:
"The first thing to talk about is, Kinect was not actually hacked. Hacking would mean that someone got to our algorithms that sit inside of the Xbox and was able to actually use them, which hasn’t happened. Or, it means that you put a device between the sensor and the Xbox for means of cheating, which also has not happened. That’s what we call hacking, and that’s what we have put a ton of work and effort to make sure doesn’t actually occur."
微軟看到了一條Steven Jobs沒有看到的路, 哪天, Apple成了最封閉的公司, 而微軟成了更開放的公司似乎是指日可待.
是Driver被寫出來的喔, 不是破解, 其實上, 微軟真的可以把Kinect的USB通訊加密,但是並沒有, 所以開源的Driver才能不用破解而很快地寫出來.
嗯嗯 是實作出來