同樣在coursera聽著後續的課程,內容提及了監督式神經網路的訓練,在運用了眾多被標註過的資料後便可以對影像做分類,這的確是基礎中的基礎範本呢~ 有趣的是當中提到一件事,ML應該是兩個階段,分別是訓練(training)與推論(inferences)。
訓練就是我們稍有實際接觸ML模型在餵資料後所做的線性代數運算,然而光有訓練模型是不夠的,我們嘗試著去教機器達成我們想要的任務,但機器真的學會之後能自己做推論嗎?前面提到的監督式範例,就是給他諸多影像如車子、貓、狗... 的東西,教這個ML模型自己根據我們的標註的名稱去學習,訓練完後給機器一隻新的貓圖片問「照片上的是什麼?」,如果它在學習的階段掌握了不同名稱的東西具有怎麼樣的影像特徵,那它就能做到推論回說「我想是貓貓」
"What is the use of training Machine Learing model if you cannot use it?"
Use Case : Demand forecasting in manufacturing(製造上的需求預測)
If the use case was an ML problem....
1)What is being predicted?
How many units of widgets X should be manufactured this month
2)What data is needed?
We need historical data on the number of units sold
Now imagine the ML problem is a question of software:
3)What is the API for the problem during prediction?
the method in the API could be predicted demand, and what does it take?
The inputs might be the widget ID and the month that we want to do this prediction for,
with the default value for the month being the current month.
We're not asking the end user to give us how many ... units were sold last month.
That is something that we would have to collect ourselves.
4)Who will use this service? How are they doing it today?
we might think that the users might be product managers, might be logistics managers, et cetera.
They examine trends of ... sales, overall economy, trade publications, and they somehow make a decision.
Lastly, cast it in the framework of a data problem. What are some key actions to collect, analyze, predict, and react to the data/predictions (different input features might require different actions)
5)What data are we collect?
We need to collect the economic data, the competitor data, the industry data,
data from our company itself.
6)What data are we analyzing?
craft features that our experts are looking at today from this data, and we need to take those features and use them as inputs to our model
7)What data are we reactiong to?
if we predicted that demand is going to increase, we automatically go ahead and put out orders to our suppliers for more of the things that they provide to us. So the reaction might be automatic.