def from_file_multisweep_bf_sample_data(cls,
nusc: 'NuScenes',
ref_sd_rec: Dict,
nsweeps_back: int = 5,
nsweeps_forward: int = 5,
return_trans_matrix: bool = False,
min_distance: float = 1.0):
red_sd_rec 此項為NuScenes光達Top的sensor sample
# Init
points = np.zeros((cls.nbr_dims(), 0))
all_pc = cls(points)
all_times = np.zeros((1, 0))
# Get reference pose and timestamp
ref_pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', ref_sd_rec['ego_pose_token'])
ref_cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', ref_sd_rec['calibrated_sensor_token'])
ref_time = 1e-6 * ref_sd_rec['timestamp']
ref_pose_rec : {'token': 'fdddd75ee1d94f14a09991988dab8b3e', 'timestamp': 1533151603547590, 'rotation': [-0.968669701688471, -0.004043399262151301, -0.007666594265959211, 0.24820129589817977], 'translation': [600.1202137947669, 1647.490776275174, 0.0]}
ref_cs_rec :{'token': 'd051cafdd9fe4d999b413462364d44a0', 'sensor_token': 'dc8b396651c05aedbb9cdaae573bb567', 'translation': [0.985793, 0.0, 1.84019], 'rotation': [0.706749235646644, -0.015300993788500868, 0.01739745181256607, -0.7070846669051719], 'camera_intrinsic': []}
ref_time :1533151603.54759
# Homogeneous transform from ego car frame to reference frame 從car到reference的轉換
ref_from_car = transform_matrix(ref_cs_rec['translation'], Quaternion(ref_cs_rec['rotation']), inverse=True)
# Homogeneous transformation matrix from global to _current_ ego car frame 從global到car的轉換這邊inverse=True 是因為 原本的translation 跟 rotation 是從car到global的轉換
car_from_global = transform_matrix(ref_pose_rec['translation'], Quaternion(ref_pose_rec['rotation']),
# Aggregate current and previous sweeps.
current_sd_rec = ref_sd_rec # "sample_data"
trans_matrix_list = list()
skip_frame = 0
ref_from_car : 4x4 quaternion matrix
ref_from_global : 4x4x quaternion matrix
for k in range(nsweeps_back):
# Load up the pointcloud.
current_pc = cls.from_file(osp.join(nusc.dataroot, current_sd_rec['filename']))
# Get past pose.
# 當下這個frame 的 ego pose 數值: token,timestamp, rotation, translation
current_pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', current_sd_rec['ego_pose_token'])
# car到global的轉換矩陣
global_from_car = transform_matrix(current_pose_rec['translation'],
Quaternion(current_pose_rec['rotation']), inverse=False)
# Homogeneous transformation matrix from sensor coordinate frame to ego car frame.
# calibration 矩陣
current_cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', current_sd_rec['calibrated_sensor_token'])
# 從當下的frame 轉換到car的frame
car_from_current = transform_matrix(current_cs_rec['translation'], Quaternion(current_cs_rec['rotation']),inverse=False)
# Fuse four transformation matrices into one and perform transform.
# reduce 在給定的運算式中對給定的數列進行迭帶運算 ex reduce[1,2,3,4,5] = (((((1+2)+3)+4)+5)
# 求出ref_from_current 從遍歷到的lidar sweep轉到當下時間的frame
# 並把current 的lidar frame 轉換到reference 的
trans_matrix = reduce(, [ref_from_car, car_from_global, global_from_car, car_from_current])
# 把當下的trans_matrix記錄下來
# Collect the transformation matrix
# Remove close points and add timevector.
# 這邊的remove 是移除離自駕車一定範圍內的點 (min_distance是半徑)
#time lag 是current_frame 到 reference frame的時間差
time_lag = ref_time - 1e-6 * current_sd_rec['timestamp'] # positive difference
# 不太懂...
if k % (skip_frame + 1) == 0:
times = time_lag * np.ones((1, current_pc.nbr_points()))
times = time_lag * np.ones((1, 1)) # dummy value
all_times = np.hstack((all_times, times))
# 把過去的frame的點雲疊加到reference frame上
# Merge with key pc.
if k % (skip_frame + 1) == 0:
all_pc.points = np.hstack((all_pc.points, current_pc.points))
tmp_points = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)
all_pc.points = np.hstack((all_pc.points, tmp_points)) # dummy value
if current_sd_rec['prev'] == '': # Abort if there are no previous sweeps.
current_sd_rec = nusc.get('sample_data', current_sd_rec['prev'])
trans_matrix_list = np.stack(trans_matrix_list, axis=0)
# shape會變( N , 4, 4 )
# Aggregate the future sweeps
#reset 現在的frame
current_sd_rec = ref_sd_rec
# Abort if there are no future sweeps. Return.
if current_sd_rec['next'] == '':
return all_pc, np.squeeze(all_times, axis=0)
current_sd_rec = nusc.get('sample_data', current_sd_rec['next'])
for k in range(1, nsweeps_forward + 1):
# Load up the pointcloud.
current_pc = cls.from_file(osp.join(nusc.dataroot, current_sd_rec['filename']))
# Get the pose for this future sweep.
# 取得future sweep 的pose 還有取得 car到global的轉換
current_pose_rec = nusc.get('ego_pose', current_sd_rec['ego_pose_token'])
global_from_car = transform_matrix(current_pose_rec['translation'],
Quaternion(current_pose_rec['rotation']), inverse=False)
# 取得 current 到 car的轉換 利用calibrated matrix
# Homogeneous transformation matrix from sensor coordinate frame to ego car frame.
current_cs_rec = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', current_sd_rec['calibrated_sensor_token'])
car_from_current = transform_matrix(current_cs_rec['translation'], Quaternion(current_cs_rec['rotation']),
# Fuse four transformation matrices into one and perform transform.
trans_matrix = reduce(, [ref_from_car, car_from_global, global_from_car, car_from_current])
# Remove close points and add timevector.
#時間差會是負的 因為是未來的frame
time_lag = ref_time - 1e-6 * current_sd_rec['timestamp'] # negative difference
if k % (skip_frame + 1) == 0:
times = time_lag * np.ones((1, current_pc.nbr_points()))
times = time_lag * np.ones((1, 1)) # dummy value
all_times = np.hstack((all_times, times))
# Merge with key pc.
if k % (skip_frame + 1) == 0:
all_pc.points = np.hstack((all_pc.points, current_pc.points))
tmp_points = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)
all_pc.points = np.hstack((all_pc.points, tmp_points)) # dummy value
if current_sd_rec['next'] == '': # Abort if there are no future sweeps.
current_sd_rec = nusc.get('sample_data', current_sd_rec['next'])
if return_trans_matrix:
return all_pc, np.squeeze(all_times, 0), trans_matrix_list
return all_pc, np.squeeze(all_times, 0)