

2022 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 15
Software Development

Kotlin on the way系列 第 15

Day 15 Solid 能吃嗎? 單一職責的誤區 Single Responsibility principle

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I'm only here tonight because of you. You are the reason I am. You are all my reason.
A beautiful mind.(2001)




在一間保險公司內,儲存著客戶的年齡、保單、風險評估、經濟狀況等資料,有風險評估部、會計部都會呼叫 getPrice,今天風險評估部發現得 covid 的人很多,要去調整風險權重,就給工程部一個任務,把 covid 的相關權重提高 15% ,此時其他部門完全不知情,就在程式部署後會出現以下問題


對的,don't repeat youself 的概念不僅是減少相同代碼,還要再業務邏輯上詳加思考,隨意的共用程式也會帶來災難


  1. 風險評估部,在乎的是未來的價格計算和風險
  2. 會計部,在乎的是根據契約執行,以及必要時保險公司有解釋權利





The naming is actually confusing, this principle doesn't mean one scope should focus on one task, it means one scope/ module should be responsible for one author, or you can call one owner of business logic.

In any organization, there are many potential change point, could be different author, manager, department, new demand, when their logic will change a common usage module, it could be dangerous and might cause huge impact

insurance sample

Let's take an example, in an Insurance company, stored custom information like age, risk evaluate, financial state ...etc, and there are risk evaluate dept and accounting dept, both of they rely on function getPrice, some day risk evaluate dept found out the amount of covid positive is increasing, effect on risk weight, so they sent a task to IT dept, to increase the covid relate weight up to 15%, without inform other dept, what will happen is

Account dept will charge extra amount from next time, some day a custom found out, and the company is facing court and annoying account check

the concept of don't repeat yourself is not just reduce the redundancy code, it require judgment on business logic, reuse everything also cause disaster

What is the difference between those?

  1. To risk evaluate dept, they care about future pricing and risk
  2. To account dept, care about contract, and the right of company

Those needed will change base on time and reality situation, reuse between those dept will facing unexpected result


As you can see, the change from a point affects the result of others logic relying on this module as well. You might think well this should be detect by unit test, of course it should, but the most important thing is developer should expect one module is used for different business logic, the solution is simple, write different module for different author

Day 14 OO 能吃嗎? 多型 polymorphism
Day 16 Solid 能吃嗎?開放封閉 OCP
Kotlin on the way31

