You’re given a dataframe containing sales data from a grocery store chain with columns for customer ID, gender, and date of sale.
Create a new dataset with summary level information on their purchases including the columns: customer_id
should display the date of the customer’s most recent purchase.order_count
should display the total number of purchases that the customer has made.most_recent_sale
、購買次數 order_count
import pandas as pd
def customer_analysis(df):
# create a new dataframe / 建立符合題意的 dataframe
new = df.groupby(['customer_id','gender']).agg( most_recent_sale=('date of sale','max'), order_count = ('date of sale','count'))
# reset the index / 重製索引
return new
使用 Pandas 分組 groupby('欄位名稱')
操作後,索引值將被指定欄位所取代,如需「重新設定索引值」,可搭配 reset_index( inplace = True 或 False )
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