第一步老樣子就是來新增測試檔案。◝( •ω• )◟
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('http://localhost:5173/components/wrapper-physics/');
test('頁面必須存在(title 不可出現 404)', async ({ page }) => {
const title = await page.title();
先將元件加上 title,方便定位。
<basic-usage title="basic-usage" />
<body-property title="body-property"/>
<adjust-gravity title="adjust-gravity"/>
執行腳本開始運行 e2e 測試。
npm run test:e2e-ui
test.describe('基本用法', () => {
test('必須有文字為「基本用法」的 h3', async ({ page }) => {
const h3Els = page.locator('h3');
const target = h3Els.getByText('基本用法');
await expect(target).toBeVisible();
test('必須存在「開始、重置、安安安、安安、安」文字的元素', async ({ page }) => {
const section = page.getByTitle('basic-usage');
await expect(section).toBeVisible();
const list = ['開始', '重置', '安安安', '安安', '安'];
for (const text of list) {
const target = section.getByText(text, { exact: true });
await expect(target).toBeVisible();
test('按下開始元素會移動,重置會回歸原位', async ({ page }) => {
const section = page.getByTitle('basic-usage');
await expect(section).toBeVisible();
const startBtn = section.getByText('開始');
const resetBtn = section.getByText('重置');
const list = ['開始', '重置', '安安安', '安安', '安'];
const targets = list.map((text) => section.getByText(text, { exact: true }));
for (const target of targets) {
await expect(target).toHaveAttribute(
'style', 'transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg);'
await startBtn.click();
// 等待 500ms
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
for (const target of targets) {
await expect(target).not.toHaveAttribute(
'style', 'transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg);'
await resetBtn.click();
for (const target of targets) {
await expect(target).toHaveAttribute(
'style', 'transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg);'
isStatic 以外的物體會移動。
test.describe('物體性質', () => {
test('必須有文字為「物體性質」的 h3', async ({ page }) => {
const h3Els = page.locator('h3');
const target = h3Els.getByText('物體性質');
await expect(target).toBeVisible();
test('開始後「靜、止」以外的物體會移動', async ({ page }) => {
const section = page.getByTitle('body-property');
await expect(section).toBeVisible();
const startBtn = section.getByText('開始');
await startBtn.click();
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
const staticList = ['靜', '止'];
const list = ['追', '趕', '慢', '跑', '跳', '碰'];
const staticTargets = staticList.map((text) => section.getByText(text, { exact: true }));
const targets = list.map((text) => section.getByText(text, { exact: true }));
for (const target of staticTargets) {
await expect(target).toBeVisible();
await expect(target).toHaveAttribute(
'style', 'transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg);'
for (const target of targets) {
await expect(target).toBeVisible();
await expect(target).not.toHaveAttribute(
'style', 'transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg);'
成功!◝( •ω• )◟
test.describe('調整重力', () => {
test('必須有文字為「調整重力」的 h3', async ({ page }) => {
const h3Els = page.locator('h3');
const target = h3Els.getByText('調整重力');
await expect(target).toBeVisible();
test('物體會朝重力方向移動', async ({ page }) => {
const section = page.getByTitle('adjust-gravity');
await expect(section).toBeVisible();
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
const targets = section.getByText('🐟', { exact: true });
// 重力預設往下,物理物件會往下移動
for (const target of await targets.all()) {
const attr = await target.getAttribute('style');
if (!attr) {
throw new Error('attr is null');
// 取出 translateY 部分數值
const translateY = attr.match(/transform: translate\(0px, (.*?)px\)/)?.[1];
if (!translateY) {
throw new Error('translateY is null');
// 調整重力往上
const ySlider = section.getByRole('slider').nth(1);
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
// 物體會往上移動
for (const target of await targets.all()) {
const attr = await target.getAttribute('style');
if (!attr) {
throw new Error('attr is null');
// 取出 translateY 部分數值
const translateY = attr.match(/transform: translate\(0px, (.*?)px\)/)?.[1];
if (!translateY) {
throw new Error('translateY is null');
以上我們完成基本 e2e 測試了,大家可以想想還有甚麼更細緻的案例。
歡迎大家自由發揮!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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