題目: Given a non-negative integer x, compute and return the square root of x....
題目: Given two binary strings a and b, return their sum as a binary string. 給定兩...
題目: You are given a large integer represented as an integer array digits, where...
題目: Given a string s consisting of words and spaces, return the length of the l...
題目: Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray (containing at le...
題目: Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeatin...
題目: Given a sorted array of distinct integers and a target value, return the in...
題目: Given two strings needle and haystack, return the index of the first occurr...
題目: Given an integer array nums and an integer val, remove all occurrences of v...
由於前面幾題easy覺得難度還可以負荷,因此開始嘗試medium的題目 題目: You are given two non-empty linked list...
題目: Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove the dupl...
題目: You are given the heads of two sorted linked lists list1 and list2. Merge...
題目: Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and...
題目: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array...
題目: Roman numerals are represented by seven different symbols: I, V, X, L, C, D...
題目: Given an integer x, return true if x is palindrome integer.An integer is a...
從今天起在此紀錄用python寫leetcode的心路歷程希望能以一天兩三題的速率下去更新讓自己的程式更加精進 題目: Given an array of i...
逃避雖可恥,但有用。但這句話恐怕在我身上行不通。每一次當我遇到問題時,我只有兩種選擇: 逃避它(消耗能量: 0 ) 面對處理它(消耗能量: ∞ max )...
思路 也是binary search的應用題,承前兩篇文章,有lb跟ub和index三個數值可選,我目前覺得應該是回傳lower bound值。 程式 c...
思路 呼叫API的次數越少越好,因為不確定錯誤會是在前面一點的版本出現,還是後面一點的版本出現,因此最好從中間的版本切入,如果該版本回傳結果為有錯誤的版本,則繼...
Delete Columns to Make Sorted II Medium You are given an array of n strings...
Zigzag Conversion Medium The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in...
回顧 & 總結 今天是最後一天了,來回顧一下這些日子分享及學習的內容,雖然是寫LeetCode的題目為主,但在過程中每天的題目是有選過主題的,一天一天都...
今日題目 題目連結:653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST 題目主題:Hash Table, Two Pointers, Tree,...
原始題目 Given the root of a binary tree, return the sum of all left leaves. Example...
原始題目 Given an array of integers arr, return true if we can partition the array i...
今日題目 題目連結:1. Two Sum 題目主題:Array, Hash Table 簡單說說 Hash Table Hash Table 主要的核心概念是...
原始題目 Assume you are an awesome parent and want to give your children some cookie...
原始題目 Evaluate the value of an arithmetic expression in Reverse Polish Notation....
今日題目 題目連結:53. Maximum Subarray 題目主題:Array, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programmi...