How can I access Apache (on VirtualBox guest) from host?
Ubuntu 18.04: switch back to /etc/network/interfaces
1 Settings > Network > Adapter 1 (Enable Network Adapter) > Attached to: (Bridge Adapter) > OK
2 開機並輸入以下指令(換成root使用者):
#apt-get update
#apt-get install ifupdown
3 編輯這個檔案
nano /etc/network/interfaces
4 #ifdown --force enp0s3 lo && ifup -a
5 接著只要在同個網路(同個公有ip)任一裝置輸入192.168.0.107都可以看到Apache2 Ubuntu
The Difference Between Hubs, Bridges, Switches and Gateways (Backbones)
1 將多條乙太網路雙絞線或光纖集合連接在同一段物理媒介下的裝置。
2 集線器是在OSI模型中的實體層,
3 集線器上有多個I/O埠,訊號從任意一個埠進入後,會從其他所有埠出現。
4 於集線器會把收到的任何數位訊號,經過再生或放大,再從集線器的所有埠送出,這會造成訊號之間碰撞的機會很大,而且訊號也可能被竊聽,並且這代表所有連到集線器的裝置,都是屬於同一個碰撞網域以及廣播網域,因此大部份集線器已被交換機(英語:Network switch)取代。
1 又稱網橋,一種網路裝置,負責網路橋接(network bridging)之用。
2 橋接器是在資料鏈路層(OSI模型第2層)。
3 橋接器可以讓PC3選擇送資料到哪個PC,這邊就送到Server1和PC4
指把一種協定轉成另一種協定的裝置。如圖PC使用乙太網路(英語:Ethernet)和TCP/IP協定,PLC使用Sub Net(子網路)和Controlled Net Protocol(網絡控制協議)網路和協定都不同,但是有Gateway的話,還是可以傳資料,TCP/IP經過Gateway後就會變成Controlled Net Protocol
10 Difference Between Static And Dynamic Ip Address
1 When a device is assigned a static IP address, the address does not change.
2 A dynamic IP address is an IP address dynamically assigned to your computer by your ISP. Each time your computer (or router) is rebooted, your ISP dynamically assigns an IP address to your networking device using DHCP protocol.
動態ip是ISP透過DHCP protocol分配的地址。重開機就會換
什麼是ISP網際網路連線服務公司(Internet Service Provider)?
動態主機設定協定(英語:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,DHCP)
一 使用UDP協定
二 用於內部網路或網路服務供應商自動分配IP位址給用戶
三 用於內部網路管理員作為對所有電腦作中央管理的手段
3 Static Ip address is better for dedicated services such as mail, FTP and VPN servers.
靜態ip適合用在mail,FTP and VPN這些功能的伺服器
4 A dynamic IP address is suitable if you have:
several computers on an internal network with internet access on all of them.
5 A static IP address is suitable if you:
run your own website.
run your own email server.
6 Dynamic IP address Advantages:
Cheaper than static IP address.
Changing IP address gives more privacy.
Dynamic IP address比static IP address便宜,然後比較隱蔽,因為會更改
7 if you have a dynamic IP address, Geolocation might be less accurate, if that matters to you.
8 Static IP addresses have a number of advantages. They can give you:
less downtime - there is a risk of downtime when new dynamic IP addresses are allocated
remote access - you can access your own PC from anywhere in the world with static IP
9 Dynamic IP address Disadvantages:
一 Requires DHCP server to obtain an IP address.
二 Non-static. Each time IP address changes, you may have to find you IP address again.
動態IP缺點:需要DHCP server來創IP、當IP address 改變時,就要再確認IP到底是多少
10 A dynamic IP address is suitable if you have:
a single computer that connects to your head office on a one-way Virtual Private Network
So what is a VPN, and why should you care?
VPN是加密的。原本自己的公有ip會換成VPN SERVER的公有ip,所以自己的ip是不會到網路的,也就是說網頁伺服器會不知道自己使用的電信商,也就不會知道自己的地理位置
A example might be if I am traveling on a business trip outside of my normal country of residence and I want to watch TV from my home country. Most of the time this won’t be possible as the catch-up service (like the BBC iPlayer) will tell me that the content isn’t available outside of the UK. This is also true of services like Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Video.
VPN的用途像是:今天去別的國家,但是我要看我的國家的電視,通常都是不能看的。例如: BBC iPlayer會說:這只能在英國看,其他的還有Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Video。
The upshot of this encrypted connection is that your data has the IP address that is assigned to the other end of the tunnel, not your home. That means that when you connect to a web server the IP address seen by the server is that of the VPN endpoint, not your home IP address. So now if you access a sensitive site then your IP address and location are not exposed. Also if you are travelling you can connect to a VPN endpoint in your home country and access content as if you were at home.
There is also another surprising benefit. Some online services charge different amounts depending on your location. Personally I have bought stuff cheaper by connecting via a VPN to convince the online service than I am in the USA and not in Europe. This also applies to airfares. Express VPN did a study which shows that there are big pricing differences when buying tickets online depending on your location.
VPNs are a great solution to the privacy issues I have outlined, however VPNs aren’t a perfect solution, there are a few negative aspects. First of all speed. Since you are intentionally sending your data half-way around the world before it even gets a chance to head off toward the right server then VPN connection speeds will be slower than your normal, non-VPN connection. Also your VPN provider will only have a certain amount of resources. If the VPN server is overloaded, because there are too many clients and not enough servers, then connections speeds will drop. The same is true for server bandwidth.
Secondly, VPN connections can drop unexpectedly (for a whole variety of reasons) and if you didn’t notice that the VPN is no longer active you might keep using the Internet thinking your privacy is safe, but it isn’t.
Thirdly, the use of VPNs is outlawed(不合法) in some countries, precisely because they offer anonymity, privacy, and encryption.