請求意見稿(英語:Request for Comments,縮寫:RFC),又翻譯作意見徵求,意見請求,請求評論是由網際網路工程任務組(IETF)發布的一系列備忘錄。檔案收集了有關網際網路相關資訊,以及UNIX和網際網路社群的軟體檔案,以編號排定。目前RFC檔案是由網際網路協會(ISOC)贊助發行。
根據維基百科所述,RFC又稱為意見徵求稿,這個意見徵求稿裡面,是由IETF組織所發佈的,基本上裡面都是跟網際網路有關的事項,我們常見的IPv4以及IPv6都是RFC文件中的某一個子文件,當然,去年介紹的飛鴿傳書 RFC1149也在RFC當中,那RFC裡面就規範了一些事項,各個廠商都可以根據這個RFC文件來建立自己的服務。
Security Considerations
Security is not generally a problem in normal operation, but special measures must be taken (such as data encryption) when avian carriers are used in a tactical environment.
而在frame format方面,則如下所示
The IP datagram is printed, on a small scroll of paper, in hexadecimal, with each octet separated by whitestuff and blackstuff. The scroll of paper is wrapped around one leg of the avian carrier. A band of duct tape is used to secure the datagram's edges. The bandwidth is limited to the leg length. The MTU is variable, and paradoxically, generally increases with increased carrier age. A typical MTU is 256 milligrams. Some datagram padding may be needed.
最後面一句some datagram padding may be needed,代表不一定要把datagram補齊,如果需要的話才補齊就好。