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大學程式能力檢定 UVA10056 What is the Probability!! 問題的中文與英文描述,包含錯誤處理和邊界檢查的完整C++範例程式碼,用於解決UVA10056問題,以及解題思路的解釋
中文:N 名參賽者參加了一場比賽,每名參賽者都有一個唯一的編號,從 1 到 N。這場比賽是一場持續進行的遊戲,一個參賽者在每一回合中被隨機選中進行比賽,每名參賽者贏得比賽的機會相同,且比賽是相互獨立的。換句話說,每一回合的結果不會影響下一回合的結果。
英文:N players are participating in a competition, and each player is assigned a unique number from 1 to N. The competition is an ongoing game where one player is randomly selected to compete in each round. The chances of winning for each player are equal, and each round is independent, meaning that the outcome of one round does not affect the next.
Your task is to determine the probability of each player ultimately winning the competition. Please note that all players have the same level of skill.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int T;
cin >> T;
while (T--) {
int N;
double p;
cin >> N >> p;
// 錯誤處理:如果 p 為 0,直接輸出 0.0000 並跳過這個測試案例
if (p == 0) {
cout << "0.0000" << endl;
double q = 1.0 - p;
double result = pow(q, N - 1) * p / (1.0 - pow(q, N));
// 輸出結果,四捨五入到小數點後 4 位
cout << fixed << setprecision(4) << result << endl;
return 0;
p * (1 - q^(N-1)) / (1 - q^N)
其中,p是每名參賽者獲勝的機會,q是每名參賽者輸掉的機會(1 - p),N是參賽者的總數。
ChatGPT 問題輸入:
大學程式能力檢定 UVA10170 The Hotel with Infinite Rooms 問題的中文與英文描述,包含錯誤處理和邊界檢查的完整C++範例程式碼,用於解決UVA10170問題,以及解題思路的解釋
英文:There is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, numbered starting from 1. What's unique about this hotel is that if you stay in room i, you'll be moved to room i+1 the next day. Your task is to find out the room number you will be staying in on the Nth day.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
long long S, D; // 使用 long long 來處理大數
while (cin >> S >> D) {
long long currentRoom = S; // 當前房間號碼
long long day = 1; // 當前天數
// 不斷增加天數,直到達到目標天數 D
while (day < D) {
currentRoom++; // 轉移到下一個房間
day += currentRoom; // 增加天數
// 最後 currentRoom 就是第 D 天的房間號碼
cout << currentRoom << endl;
return 0;
在這個解決方案中,我們使用了long long類型來處理大數,以確保計算的正確性。這個程式碼也包括了錯誤處理,可以處理多組測試數據。