

2024 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 15
IT 管理

iTop:開源 ITSM 與 CMDB 解決方案 系列 第 15

iTop 組態管理 Hypervisor & VM - Virtualization

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  • VMware:全球領先的虛擬化解決方案廠商,擁有最完整的虛擬化技術組合,包括 vSphere、vCenter 與 NSX 等等。
  • Microsoft:透過 Windows Server 的 Hyper-V 功能提供企業級虛擬化並與 Azure 服務緊密整合。
  • Citrix:提供桌面和應用程式虛擬化解決方案,主要的虛擬化產品是 Citrix Hypervisor,以前稱為 XenServer。
  • Red Hat:提供基於 Kernel-based Virtual Machine 的虛擬化解決方案。

VMware 在全球的虛擬化市場擁有超過 4 成市占率的地位,而在臺灣則有超過 6 成的市占率。今天就來教大家如何透過 Data Collector for vSphere 將 vSphere 的資產相關組態自動整合到 iTop 之中。

Data Collector for vSphere
此外掛程式負責從 vSphere 伺服器自動向 iTop 提供有關整個資料中心的相關資料,例如 Server 、Hypervisor、Farm 與 Virtual Machine。

安裝 Data Model for vSphere
您必須在 iTop 上安裝 vSphere 的資料模型,以獲得相容的資料模型。

點選 iTop Store 的 CMDB,找到 Data Model for vSphere 外掛,點選 Free。

iTop Hub 會自動轉跳到以下畫面,點選 Install。

勾選 Instance Backup,點選 Deploy。

Data Model 安裝成功

配置 Data Collector for vSphere 連線設定
此外掛程式無法由 iTop Hub 自動安裝,您必須將其手動部署在運行 PHP 的伺服器上。

選擇最新的 1.2.0 Version,點選 Download。


sudo unzip combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere-1_2_0.zip -d /var/www/html/itop/extensions
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere

請不要修改 Data Collector 預設的配置檔 params.distrib.xml

如果需要調整配置,請建立名為 params.local.xml 的文件,並將所需的定義複製,使兩個 XML 檔案的結構相同。

不要將 params.local.xml 存放在您的網頁伺服器目錄中,否則您的設定檔中的連線帳密可能外洩。

由於 ESXi 或者 vCenter 通常不只一台以上,建議依照主機名稱的方式將配置檔分開來存放。

sudo cp /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/conf/params.distrib.xml /etc/itop/params.vsphere.your_vsphere_hostname.xml
sudo chown www-data:www-data /etc/itop/params.vsphere.your_vsphere_hostname.xml


sudo nano /etc/itop/params.vsphere.your_vsphere_hostname.xml

應包含用於連接到 iTop 伺服器和 vSphere 的參數

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Default values for parameters. Do NOT alter this file, use params.local.xml instead -->


  <!-- Default values -->
  <default_org_id>My Demo</default_org_id>
  <hypervisor type="hash">  
    <!-- Define what attribute to use as cpu attribute within iTop's datamodel.
     numCpuPackages was used before -->
  <virtual_machine type="hash">
    <!-- By default, a VM's virtual host points to the farm that the VM's hypervisor belongs to, if any.
        This option forces the VM's virtual host to point to the VM's hypervisor
     Allowed values: hypervisor, farm (default) -->



  <!-- console_log_level: level of logging to console (std output)
  -1 : none, nothing will be logged to the console
   0 : System wide emergency errors only (LOG_EMERG)
   1 : Alert errors (LOG_ALERT)
   2 : Critical errors (LOG_CRIT)
   3 : Application level errors (LOG_ERR)
   4 : Warnings
   5 : Notice
   6 : Information
   7 : Debug traces

  <!-- eventissue_log_level: level of creating event issue object on remote itop
  -1 : none, nothing will be logged to the console
   0 : System wide emergency errors only (LOG_EMERG)
   1 : Alert errors (LOG_ALERT)
   2 : Critical errors (LOG_CRIT)
   3 : Application level errors (LOG_ERR)
   4 : Warnings
   5 : Notice
   6 : Information
   7 : Debug traces

    dateformat: logging date format
    Example: [Y-m-d H:i:s] => will produce a log like "[2020-04-29 14:36:16]    [Info]  ......"
  <console_log_dateformat>[Y-m-d H:i:s]</console_log_dateformat>

  <!-- syslog_log_level: level of logging to Syslog
  -1 : none, nothing will be logged to syslog
   0 : System wide emergency errors (LOG_EMERG)
   1 : Alert errors (LOG_ALERT)
   2 : Critical errors (LOG_CRIT)
   3 : Application level errors (LOG_ERR)
   4 : Warnings
   5 : Notice
   6 : Information
   7 : Debug traces

  <!-- data_path: location where to store the temporary data (.raw and .csv files).
  Make sure that you change this value if you run several instances of the collector
  from the same location (with different configuration files).
  You can use the placeholder %APPROOT% to build a path relative to the location of the collector itself

  <!-- Maximum number of elements to process in one iteration (for upload and synchro in iTop) -->
  <!-- Timeout for waiting for the execution of one data synchro task (in seconds) -->
  <!-- Whether or not to stop when an error occurs during a synchronization -->
  <!-- When using cUrl to connect to the iTop Webservices the cUrl options can be specified below
  The syntax is:

  Where NAME_OF_THE_OPTIONx and VALUE_OF_THE_OPTIONx are either:
  - The numeric value of the option
  - or the string representation of the corresponding PHP "define" (case sensitive)

  The four examples below are equivalent:

  Since in PHP we have:
  define ('CURLOPT_SSLVERSION', 32);
  define ('CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2', 6);

  Note: because the recommandation about which is the best SSL/TLS version
        to use varies over time (as security bugs are found in the procotols)
        it is BETTER NOT TO force any SSL/TLS version at all and let the
        system decide which version to use.

        However if the web server running iTop requires a specific TLS/SSL
        version you can use the configuration to force it anyway...
        but be prepared to revisit this setting regularly.

  <!-- The email address of an existing contact in iTop, to be notified in case of error during the synchronization -->
  <!-- iTop user set as allowed to run synchronization. It is highly recommended to use the same as itop_login -->


  • default_org_id:vSphere 物件所屬的組織名稱
  • cpu_attribute:在 iTop 的數據模型中定義 CPU 的屬性。
  • virtual_host:VM 的虛擬主機指向 VM 的 Hypervisor 所屬的伺服器群組(如果有的話)。
 <!-- Default values -->
  <default_org_id>My Demo</default_org_id>
  <hypervisor type="hash">  
    <!-- Define what attribute to use as cpu attribute within iTop's datamodel.
     numCpuPackages was used before -->
  <virtual_machine type="hash">
    <!-- By default, a VM's virtual host points to the farm that the VM's hypervisor belongs to, if any.
        This option forces the VM's virtual host to point to the VM's hypervisor
     Allowed values: hypervisor, farm (default) -->

可以透過在 XML 參數檔案中新增額外的定義來設定 Data Collector。

下列範例配置了伺服器的序號的收集,並且還使用收集到的序號作為 Hypervisors 和實體伺服器之間的對應鍵。


若您的 vSphere 伺服器使用預設的憑證運行,請在 XML 參數檔案中新增下列配置以繞過 SSL 憑證驗證。



sudo mkdir /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/data/your_vsphere_hostname
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/data/your_vsphere_hostname


sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php \
/var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/exec.php \

回到 Configuration Management 的 Overview,可以發現 Virtualization 的 Hypervisor、Virtual Machine 與 Datastore 都有同步進來了。

由於沒有使用 vCenter 而是使用 ESXi 當作 vSphere 的參數,所以 Farm 的部分沒有同步。

我們點選 Hypervisor 看看,已經把 Virtual Machine 關聯起來了。

Data Collector 還會自行建立 Server 並與 Hypervisor 進行關聯,我們可以在 Server 查看機器的型號、規格與 OS 的版本。

點選 Virtual Machine 則可以看到相關的細節

iTop 也有提供 Impacted 與 Depend on 不同視角的拓樸圖,可以輕易地將組態項之間的關係和依賴性畫出並匯出成報告。

再將 Power Supply 與 Network Device 加入 Server 的組態關聯,就可以得到更完整的拓樸圖。


sudo crontab -u www-data -e


00 08 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/exec.php --config_file=/etc/itop/params.vsphere.your_vsphere_hostname.xml > /tmp/dc-vsphere-your_vsphere_hostname.log 2>&1



  1. https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions%3Avsphere-data-collector
  2. https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions%3Acombodo-vsphere-datamodel

iTop 組態管理 Software & License - Software and Applications
iTop 組態管理 Azure Cloud - Microsoft Azure
iTop:開源 ITSM 與 CMDB 解決方案 32

1 則留言

iT邦新手 5 級 ‧ 2024-11-29 17:37:01


tom@tom-server:/etc/itop$ sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/exec.php --config_file=/etc/itop/params.vsphere.your_vsphere_hostname_1.xml
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] ---------- Build collection plan ----------
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] ---------- Check Virtualization Management Module installation ----------
PHP Warning: Undefined variable $sVirtualizationMgmtMessage in /var/www/html/itop/extensions/combodo-data-collector-for-vsphere/collectors/src/vSphereCollectionPlan.class.inc.php on line 52
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info]
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] ---------- Check Data model for vSphere installation ----------
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] ---------- Check TeemIp installation ----------
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] TeemIp should be considered. Detecting if it is installed on remote iTop server...
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] ---------- vSphere Collectors to launched ----------
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereBrandCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereModelCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereOSFamilyCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] vSphereOSVersionCollector will be launched !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereFarmCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] vSphereHypervisorCollector uses a custom definition for the field server_id of the Synchro Data Source.
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] vSphereHypervisorCollector uses a custom collection for the field server_id (hardware->systemInfo->otherIdentifyingInfo[ServiceTag]).
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereHypervisorCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] vSphereServerCollector uses a custom collection for the field serialnumber (hardware->systemInfo->otherIdentifyingInfo[ServiceTag]).
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereServerCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereVirtualMachineCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereLogicalInterfaceCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereIPv4AddressCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereIPv6AddressCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSpherelnkIPInterfaceToIPAddressCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] > vSphereDatastoreCollector will not be launched as Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop !
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Info] ---------- Collectors have been orchestrated ----------
[2024-11-29 09:13:42] [Error] Exception: rest.php replied:

Ivan Cheng iT邦研究生 4 級 ‧ 2024-11-30 10:08:20 檢舉

Virtualization Management Module is not installed on iTop

確認一下您的組態管理類型有沒有安裝到 Virtualization


koalalin iT邦新手 5 級 ‧ 2024-12-02 14:28:47 檢舉


Ivan Cheng iT邦研究生 4 級 ‧ 2024-12-02 21:50:12 檢舉

Virtualization Management Module
Data Model for vSphere

您可以先將 itop_login 用 admin 的帳號試試,先排除帳號權限問題。

koalalin iT邦新手 5 級 ‧ 2024-12-07 14:36:31 檢舉


