var longestCommonPrefix = function (strs) {
if (strs.length === 0) return '';
let result = strs[0];
let currentIndex = 1;
while (currentIndex < strs.length) {
// ex: console.log("hello world".indexOf("he")); // 0
// 和當前遍歷到的字串比對
while (strs[currentIndex].indexOf(result) !== 0) {
result = result.slice(0, -1); // 移除最後字元
return result;
時間複雜度: O(n * k),n 為字串長度,k 為陣列內的字串數量
空間複雜度: O(n)
var largestNumber = function (nums) {
nums = nums.sort((a, b) => ('' + a + ('' + b) > '' + b + ('' + a) ? -1 : 1));
if (nums[0] === 0) return '0';
return nums.join('');
一開始想到的是要讓陣列的值以字串的形式合併後要找到最大值,那肯定 9 開頭的數字要放在前面,而 1 開頭的數字放後面,將陣列依照上述邏輯做單純的降冪排列會發生一個問題,相同開頭的數字排序後,兩者合併得出的值不一定最大。
ex: [ 927535, 92753, 9275, 927 ]
為排序後的陣列,92753927535 > 92753592753,故要想其他的邏輯去做排序,而這題可以將兩字串相加後去比大小做排序,s1+s2 > s2+s1
// [3,30,34,5,9] "9534 3 30"
// [3,35,34,5,9] "9535 34 3"
// [3,34,34,5,9] "9534 34 3"
// [3,32,34,5,9] "9534 3 32"
時間複雜度: O(n * log n)
空間複雜度: O(n)
Largest Number - Leetcode 179 - Python
Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sent over the network and is decoded back to the original list of strings.
Example 1:
Input: ["lint","code","love","you"]
Output: ["lint","code","love","you"]
One possible encode method is: "lint:;code:;love:;you"
Example 2:
Input: ["we", "say", ":", "yes"]
Output: ["we", "say", ":", "yes"]
One possible encode method is: "we:;say:;:::;yes"
class Solution {
encode(strs) {
let encoded = '';
for (let str of strs) {
encoded += str.length + '/' + str;
for (const element of array1) {
return encoded;
decode(s) {
let strs = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < s.length) {
let slash = s.indexOf('/', i);
let len = Number(s.substring(i, slash));
i = slash + len + 1;
strs.push(s.substring(slash + 1, i));
return strs;
分別寫出編碼字串和解碼字串的函式。編碼字串的函式,透過特殊字元將多個字串聯接在一起,但如果字串本身就包含特殊字元,在解碼時就會不知道怎麼解,所以再將字串長度加入到字串前,例如 ["lint","code","love","you"]
經過編碼後就變成 4/lint4/code4/love3/you
解碼字串的函式,要想辦法把編碼後的字串取出原本的字串,以 4/lint4/code4/love3/you
為例,可以找到 /
,字串長度就是 /
的前一個字元,取得字元數和當前遍歷字串的 pointer 就可以一個個把把編碼前的字串找出了。
複習: Array.prototype.indexOf() 第二個參數代表陣列中搜尋的起始索引
時間複雜度: O(n)
空間複雜度: encode: O(1),decode: 0(n)
[Leetcode]271. Encode and Decode Strings