Feature engineering is the process of turning raw data into features, it is an essencial step before we fit data to models. There are three types of frequently seen features: numeric features, categorical features, and time series features. We will discuss through them in the following articles. Generally, there will be both numeric features categorical features in our data, so we will have to include at least encoding and feature scaling methods in our feature engineering.
Some other mothods of encoding are listed as below. We decide which encoding method to use depend on the problem type.
Transit raw data into 0-1 range. The most commonly used method in Sklearn is MinMaxScaler.
Normalize data into a specified range. Normalization wouldn't perform so good if the distribution of data is far from normal. Most commonly used methods are z-score normalization, StandardScaler, etc.
Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution. Could be either symmetric distribution (skewness=0), positive skew (skewness>0), or negative skew (skewness<0).
Kurtosis is a descriptor of the shape of a probability distribution.
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Reference 參考資料:
[1] 第二屆機器學習百日馬拉松內容
[3] 特征工程
[4] 特征工程到底是什么?
[5] 一文看懂常用特徵工程方法
[6] 特征工程方法:一、类别变量编码