前面實作了 AI 影像分類效果雖然不錯,但是在真實環境中使用仍然有些落差,因為大部分我們擷取到的影像資料,通常都會涵蓋多種類型的物件在其中,若只能將一張照片分類為一個類別,也會讓 AI 判讀也些失真。而 Object Detection 物件偵測的出現能夠在單一影像中偵測到多個類別,並框選出對應的位置。
Object Detection 物件偵測 (source: NVIDIA)
首先一樣先進到 docker 容器中的推論環境
cd jetson-inference/
執行以下指令將 peds_0.jpg 進行推論,結果另存為 output.jpg:
detectnet.py data/images/peds_3.jpg data/images/test/output_3.jpg
首次執行的模型依然會做 TensorRT 的最佳化再進行推論,得到的輸出結果 output_3.jpg 如下圖所示。在每個偵測到的物件會套上一個色塊方框,並顯示其類別以及信心度。但在比較小的物件仍有位辨識出來的情況。
detectnet.py 可以帶入幾種不同的參數,其說明如下:
模型名稱 | 帶入參數名稱 | 物件類別 Object classes |
SSD-Mobilenet-v1 | ssd-mobilenet-v1 | 91 (COCO classes) |
SSD-Mobilenet-v2 | ssd-mobilenet-v2 | 91 (COCO classes) |
SSD-Inception-v2 | ssd-inception-v2 | 91 (COCO classes) |
DetectNet-COCO-Dog | coco-dog | dogs |
DetectNet-COCO-Bottle | coco-bottle | bottles |
DetectNet-COCO-Chair | coco-chair | chairs |
DetectNet-COCO-Airplane | coco-airplane | airplanes |
ped-100 | pednet | pedestrians |
multiped-500 | multiped | pedestrians, luggage |
facenet-120 | facenet | faces |
稍微調整一下參數,使用 ssd-inception-v2
並將門檻值降低到 0.1 做比對測試:
detectnet.py --network=ssd-inception-v2 --threshold=0.1 data/images/peds_3.jpg data/images/test/output_3.jpg
除了照片之外,當然也可以從影像串流進行物件偵測的推論。下載範例影像並且使用 ssd-inception-v2
wget https://nvidia.box.com/shared/static/veuuimq6pwvd62p9fresqhrrmfqz0e2f.mp4 -O pedestrians.mp4
detectnet.py --network=ssd-inception-v2 --threshold=0.3 pedestrians.mp4 data/images/test/pedestrians_ssd.mp4
此外若想要從 webcam 即時推論可以執行以下指令,結果如何就留給各位去嘗試了!
detectnet.py --network=ssd-inception-v2 /dev/video0 images/test/output.mp4
稍微看一下推論程式 detectnet.py
就如同前面 imagenet.py,大部分的呼叫都被包在 jetson_inference
與 jetson_utils
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
import sys
import argparse
from jetson_inference import detectNet
from jetson_utils import videoSource, videoOutput, logUsage
# parse the command line
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Locate objects in a live camera stream using an object detection DNN.",
epilog=detectNet.Usage() + videoSource.Usage() + videoOutput.Usage() + logUsage())
parser.add_argument("input_URI", type=str, default="", nargs='?', help="URI of the input stream")
parser.add_argument("output_URI", type=str, default="", nargs='?', help="URI of the output stream")
parser.add_argument("--network", type=str, default="ssd-mobilenet-v2", help="pre-trained model to load (see below for options)")
parser.add_argument("--overlay", type=str, default="box,labels,conf", help="detection overlay flags (e.g. --overlay=box,labels,conf)\nvalid combinations are: 'box', 'labels', 'conf', 'none'")
parser.add_argument("--threshold", type=float, default=0.5, help="minimum detection threshold to use")
is_headless = ["--headless"] if sys.argv[0].find('console.py') != -1 else [""]
args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
# create video sources and outputs
input = videoSource(args.input_URI, argv=sys.argv)
output = videoOutput(args.output_URI, argv=sys.argv+is_headless)
# load the object detection network
net = detectNet(args.network, sys.argv, args.threshold)
# note: to hard-code the paths to load a model, the following API can be used:
# net = detectNet(model="model/ssd-mobilenet.onnx", labels="model/labels.txt",
# input_blob="input_0", output_cvg="scores", output_bbox="boxes",
# threshold=args.threshold)
# process frames until the user exits
while True:
# capture the next image
img = input.Capture()
# detect objects in the image (with overlay)
detections = net.Detect(img, overlay=args.overlay)
# print the detections
print("detected {:d} objects in image".format(len(detections)))
for detection in detections:
# render the image
# update the title bar
output.SetStatus("{:s} | Network {:.0f} FPS".format(args.network, net.GetNetworkFPS()))
# print out performance info
# exit on input/output EOS
if not input.IsStreaming() or not output.IsStreaming():
從 Camera 抓取影像做即時的物件偵測,其結果非常有吸睛奪目的效果,即便能辨識的物件不及影像分類上千種類別這麼多,但也足夠在一般日常中實現應用。但若是想要辨識的物件並沒有在預設的 COCO dataset 中,就需要自行訓練物件偵測模型了!下一篇將會和各位一起實作物件偵測的模型訓練, don’t miss out!