
共有 200 則文章
鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 15

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-14 Cloud Functions HTTP Triggers

每日一句來源:Daily English No matter what label is thrown you way, only you can defin...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 14

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-13 Cloud Functions

每日一句來源:Daily English Luck is not chance, it's toil. Fortune's expensive smile i...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 13

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-12 functions 前言(聊天室)

每日一句來源:Daily English Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the wo...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 12

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-11 Storage 檔案處理 02

每日一句來源:Daily English The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, bu...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 11

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-10 Storage 檔案處理

每日一句來源:Daily English Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a li...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 10

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-09 Authentication - 02 路由守衛

每日一句來源:Daily English You can't reach for anything new, if your hands are still...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 9

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-08 Authentication

Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement o...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 8

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-07 Cloud Firestore - Hosting

Life is a journey, not a destination. Hosting firebase有提供我們靜態檔案hosting的功能,讓我們的...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 7

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-06 Cloud Firestore - Querying Collections-2 offline-data

To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often. 昨日改進 今天先修正一下昨天的方法,並...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 6

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-05 Cloud Firestore - Querying Collections

The past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or le...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 4

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-03 Realtime Database - 讀取(Read)-2、新增、修改、刪除

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. 昨天我們知道如何讀取...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 2

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-01 開發環境建立與初始化

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot chanage their minds...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 1

技術 [Angular Firebase 入門與實做] Day-00

Smile and let everyone know that today you're a lot stronger than you were yest...

鐵人賽 Software Development DAY 16

技術 Kotlin 開發第 16 天 PushMessaging (Firebase + BroadcastManager)

這次通過 Firebase 對設備進行 Push Notification 當設備收到 Push Notification 的時候,將內容通過 Alert...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 30

技術 [Angular2] Deploy to Firebase (n' See ya !)

Introduction Let’s learn how to deploy our Angular2 website to Firebase hosing...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 16

技術 [Angular2] Firebase integration (2)

Introduction We will complete the authentication part with Firebase. Environmen...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 15

技術 [Angular2] Firebase integration (1)

Introduction We will integrate Firebase database service in this article with a...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 20

技術 Day 20 / Backend -- API

API <好讀版> 前言 接著我們要探討和後端相接的 API 。一般來說 API 都可以分成 CRUD (Create, read, update...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 19

技術 Day 19 / Backend -- Data Model

Data Model <好讀版> 前言 在 mongodb 這類的 NoSQL,以及他的 ODM 例如 Mongoose 都會提供一個 Model...

鐵人賽 Modern Web DAY 18

技術 Day 18 / Backend -- Firebase

Firebase <好讀版> 前言 在這章之前,我們提到的有關技術,全部都是在 native 端,這章開始之後,我們會開始談一些後端串接的部分。而有...